plane rides and party supplies

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Days past. The boys got ready to leave to LA.

I slept over with Grayson Wednesday night. My mom and Tim let me not go to school the next day.

I went with them to the airport.
We went to security which was the last stop I could see Grayson and Ethan until they took off on their plane.

They hugged their parents and sister. And said their goodbyes. I gave Ethan a hug.

Take care of your selves and be careful and watch grayson for me. Okay? I'll miss you both. I love you Ethan. I will Liz. Don't worry. I love you too.

I looked at Grayson. He smiled.
He gave me a big hug.

I love you Elizabeth. I'll miss you . I'm sorry I won't be here for new years. But I'll be there Sunday.

I love you too Gray. And ill miss you. Text me when you get to LA. And have fun. But be safe.

After that they went though security and waited for their departure.

I sat with the Dolans. We watched the boys take off.


Cameron took me home afterwards.
I watched TV all day. Lex and taty came over when school was out.

We hung out. And talked.

I think its a cool thing that they are doing this. They might me Chris and Crawford! And they can become best friends and they can come here and they can met you and you'll introduce me to them and Chris and i will fall madly in love!
Woah slow your roll lex!

Taty and I laughed.

After awhile they went home. After school Friday I drove lex and Taty to their house. They got clothes to spend a night for the weekend. Then we went to party city and other stores.

We got some party stuff.

We had about the half of the art department coming,their families, and my mom's and Tim's friends from work coming with their families. We had almost 60 people coming!

We bought snacks for younger kids, and teens.

Afterwards we went to the mall. We had to have a new years outfit right?

When we got back home my mom ordered Chinese then went to buy the "grown up stuff" with Tim. That just included poker stuff and a bunch of beer and wine.

The next morning we started getting the house ready. Every room was cleaned. And my mom was cooking away. We had coolers ready to be stocked and the chips were aligned.
We set up the stero system.
And blasted the music.

We were ready for tonight.

I was ready to be with my best friends.

I was ready for a new year.

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