Chapter 5 - Increasing three-quarter moon

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Definition : Increasing three-quarter moon

In the following days after the crescent, the illuminated part of the visible lunar surface increases, the degree of illumination is between 50.1% and 99.9%. The moon then appears almost egg-shaped. In the last days of this transition phase, the Moon is about 98-99% illuminated.

When Moon went to university in the morning the day after the meeting with News, everything seemed as usual. But he hadn't expected what awaited him just beyond the gym, on the way to the main university building.
As he was walking past the large fire escape behind the sports hall, a basketball suddenly flew against his head with such force that he immediately hit the ground. His glasses lay on the ground with a broken frame.
Before he even realized what was happening, he was grabbed by the collar and yanked upwards.

"What the hell are you up to, you stupid faggot? You've been at this university for less than a week and I'm already in trouble with the dean and my girlfriend is breaking up with me."

It was Thunder who had Moon by the collar and was tossing hem around like a rag doll.
"Damn I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about?"

"Ram...please...let him go. What if someone sees you or he goes to the dean again? Your father already lost it last night, don't make it worse!!!"
Crown had rushed in, chasing after Thunder, who had dashed off after Beauty had just broken up with him.
Unfortunately, Moon had fallen straight into his hands, whom he blamed for his misfortune in the last few hours.

Crown had called him "Ram" instead of using the nickname, which he only did when he wanted to tell him something really important and needed his undivided attention.

But what had happened?

Thunder had been summoned to the office of the dean after last night's practice, when his father happened to be watching. An anonymous witness had reported that Thunder had beaten and threatened Moon outside the IQ Squad lab. The dean wanted to hear his star player's version of events before questioning the victim about the situation, which he was planning to do today. Moon didn't know anything about it yet.
Thunder had then explained the probable misunderstanding, apologized for his quick temper, promised it wouldn't happen again and spent the rest of the evening in an unpleasant verbal battle with his father, who felt vindicated in how useless his son was.

Then this morning Beauty had come to him in the gym, told him that it was all over the place, that it was certain that Moon was gay and that everyone was now accusing her of lying. But she wasn't aware of any guilt, Moon must have done it on purpose to make her look bad and she couldn't stand the fact that not even her own boyfriend would believe her about what had happened, but would instead pass it off as a misunderstanding.

Beauty clearly wanted to make it look like the gay Moon was plotting against her. She then suggested that he might just want her out of the way because he might be in love with Thunder and he might still be on Moon's side.

More convoluted trains of thought were hardly possible, why would Moon let himself be beaten up by Thunder if he fancied him, but the angry sportsman, who had just let his pretty trophy, named Beauty, slip through his fingers for good, didn't think that far.

Beauty might want to come back to Thunder at some point, at the latest when he had torn Moon apart in the air, scattered homophobia all over the place and he had come to her on his knees so that she would take him back.

The bad thing was, her plan seemed to be working and she didn't care about Thunder. If he was expelled for violence, she would just find the next popular guy.

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