Chapter 17 - Equinox (part 1) ❤️❤️♥️

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Definition of equinox

The equinox is the name given to the two calendar days of a year on which day and night are of equal length. This applies to every place on earth. On these days, the sun rises almost exactly in the east and sets in the west everywhere on earth.
These are the days when the realm of the sun and the moon coexist on an equal footing.

"Without your mother, Tsuki, I wouldn't be here today!" Sun's voice sounded strained and faltered. He was overwhelmed by emotions like never before.

It wasn't just the memories of his mother who was taken from him too soon, it was also the immense gratitude he felt for what Moon's mother had done for his mother. He had also just realized that the person standing before him, with whom he had fallen so deeply in love in such a short time, had obviously been placed by fate at his side and must not only be his best friend and lover, but the other half of his soul that he had been unconsciously searching for so long.

Moon felt the same way. Both of them had been marked by so much pain and loss in their lives, but now they were experiencing each other as complete, connected to the part of their souls they have been missing so long, for the first time in their lives and were completely overwhelmed emotionally.

As if of their own accord and without consciously realizing it, they were immersed in an intimate embrace. It took a moment for them to regain their composure. Moon carefully wiped Sun's tears from his tear-stained face with his hand.
"Here, put it back on....and then come on, let's go over there."
Moon handed Sun his necklace, which he immediately put back on, grabbed Sun's hand and pulled him into his room with him. He carelessly left all his clothes and the clothes he had wanted to borrow from Sun in the bathroom.
They were now standing in front of Sun's bed, tightly embraced, looking deep into each other's eyes.

"I wish I had met you earlier Taiyo. This connection between us, it's so strong and even interwoven through our families, it seems to be destiny. Maybe I really could have saved you some pain."
Moon now began to kiss Sun's collarbone tenderly.

"None of that matters Tsuki. We've met now and I have no intention of letting you go again."
Now Sun leaned down and started kissing Moon's neck. Moon sighed contentedly. Sun's lips on his neck felt so warm and electrifying.
"Taiyo? Can I sleep here tonight? I don't think I'll be able to just leave you and go home after what we just found out. I'd like to fall asleep in your arms, only if that's okay with you, of course?" Moon asked sheepishly, his voice trembling with nervousness.

Why am I so nervous? We're stuck together....and all this new knowledge....we just belong together. I need him tonight, I don't want to be without I overwhelming him? Is it going too fast for him? It feels so right to me, but what about him?

Moon felt Sun's beautiful lips, still caressing his neck, widen into a smile. Then he lifted his head and gently grabbed Moon's chin so he could look him in the eye.
"Tsuki, you couldn't make me happier. I don't want you to go home either....and still owe me my advance and I'm going to claim it today if it takes all night."

Moon raised an eyebrow, smirked and looked at Sun in surprise.
"The whole night, when do you want to sleep?"

Tsuki, if you lie next to me all night, I won't be able to keep my fingers to myself, how can I even think about sleep?

Sun's face now showed a dirty grin.
"Hmmm... maybe you just need to exhaust me so much that I fall asleep completely finished."
Moon's eyes widened. He seemed visibly unprepared for this answer.

Shia! Was that too much? It was supposed to be a joke, ok, I admit I really want to make out with you Tsuki, but I hope you don't think I want to do something that I guess neither you nor I are ready to do right now.

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