Chapter 34 - Blood Moon (part 2)

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Moon woke up in the morning with a massive headache.

He and Sun had thrown a kind of housewarming party for the apartment the night before, which was long overdue, and had celebrated with their friends. Everyone had been there to visit.

Tao and Treasure, News and Tram, Thunder and Crown, even his uncle and aunt, who had picked Yai up, albeit only briefly, because they didn't want to disturb the youngsters and Yai needed some rest soon.

Chompoo arrived a little later that evening, probably knowingly, and only after her parents had already left, because she had a sweet little secret that they didn't know about yet. Chompoo had recently become quite good "friends" with a new student at the university. He was finishing his studies there and had previously spent a semester abroad in the USA.

The student in question was half African-American and lived with his mother in Thailand after the death of his father. He had done the semester abroad to find out a little more about his origins and had lived with relatives in the USA for a while.

Now he had been back since a few months and regularly picked up American specialties at the café, where Chompoo worked, on his way to university.

They had become friends fast and he practically adored every inch of ground his Chompoo walked on, but she was a little more reserved, even though she was madly in love with him, because she was afraid her inexperience would quickly bore an experienced man like him. So far, they were still playing the flirtation and "come and get me" game that News and Tram had been playing until last week and were finally officially a couple.

Chompoo's crush was called Mark and was about the same height as Sun, but almost twice as wide. He was the typical football player, not as well-trained as Tao, but also with a little flab all over, but a strong muscle man. Nevertheless, he was anything but stupid, he could talk unusually eloquently, was actually a real bookworm and one of the best in his civil engineering studies.

Chompoo was fascinated by this bearish, chocolate-colored giant with the wide nostrils and deep hazel eyes. He really had a sense of humor, loved to make her laugh and was incredibly sensitive, gentle and careful, even though he seemed clumsy, which he was neither physically nor mentally.

Chompoo was one of the few people who hadn't immediately labeled him a stupid, foreign giant and he was really grateful to her for that.

She was certainly three heads shorter than him, but that didn't bother him at all.

Visually, they were quite an unusual couple when they showed up at Moon and Sun's, but Moon quickly realized how affectionate Mark was with Chompoo and how much he tried to do everything for her.

Of course, she introduced him as a good friend, but even a blind man with a cane could tell that there was an incredible sizzle between them.

Moon was very happy for Chompoo and Mark was a real asset to this little partying troupe, they had an incredible amount of fun that evening.

When everyone had gone and Moon had tidied up a bit while Sun tackled the dirty dishes in the kitchen, he and Sun decided to kill the expensive sake that Sun's dad had sent them for the housewarming tonight.

So they toasted to their beautiful apartment again alone and then came up with the idea that this apartment would only be properly occupied once they had done it together at least once in every room. They had already been through the bathroom, kitchen, living room and bedroom in the last few days, so Moon gave Sun a quick blowjob on the balcony before he was allowed to fuck him properly on his desk in their study.

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