Chapter 11 - Supermoon ❤️

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Definition of supermoon:

In astronomy, the "supermoon" is not a recognized term and so there is no official definition. It was coined by astrologer Richard Nolle in the late 1970s to describe a full or new moon that is at or near the closest point to the Earth in its orbit and therefore appears extremely large.

After Moon had said goodbye to News, he walked home slowly. He made a detour to the coffee shop where his cousin worked to say a quick hello, as she had worked so much during the semester break that he had hardly seen her. When he entered the store, there was no one there.
He was surprised. He went to the counter and pressed the staff bell.
A completely stressed, pimply-faced guy, no older than 16 or 17, appeared behind the counter. He had just come from the warehouse, was wearing a dirty apron and seemed extremely annoyed.

"Welcome to the Blue Banana Café. How can I help you?" He reeled off the memorized sentence with an emotionless smile.

"Actually, I don't want to order anything, I'm looking for my cousin Chompoo."

The boy's face immediately slipped. The smile was gone and a scowling, angry grimace appeared.

"Oh, I.... don't know...someone came into the café and argued with her, two such annoying chicks, then she said she had to leave for a moment and didn't come back. I'm actually only in the warehouse normaly, now I have to do everything. She just left and left me hanging."
He sulked properly.

Moon had a bad feeling. Chompoo was so hard-working and conscientious, she would never just leave her job like that. Something wasn't right.

"Where exactly did she go?" Moon asked anxiously.

"Back here, out the back exit." The sourpuss pointed to a door at the end of the corridor behind him.

Moon simply slipped past the guy and rushed towards the door. When he stepped outside, he found himself in the backyard of the building. Chompoo was standing there with her back to the wall. 2 young women were harassing her, one even slapped her in the face. When Moon burst through the door, the two aggressors were so frightened that they let go of the crying Chompoo and ran away.

Moon immediately ran over to his cousin.

"Chompi....everything ok? What did they want from you?"

Chompoo had regained her composure a little, straightened her work uniform and wiped her tears. Her right cheek was bright red.

"N...nothing...they just mistook me."
Chompoo lied so untalented that Moon almost felt insulted by himself and his intelligence.

" tell me what's going on here!"

"Moon,'s nothing.......I can handle it." Chompoo tried to get out of the affair again, but Moon didn't give in.

"Speak up!"

Chompoo looked at the floor, she started crying again.

"I messed up, Moon. Really badly, actually." She sobbed.

"There's nothing we can't work out together, so....tell me....we'll manage."

"Oh Moon..." Chompoo sighed deeply.

"...I worked here quite often during the semester break. I wanted to earn a little money for us, also for your birthday. That went really well. I got good tips during the long day shift. Unfortunately, I was here so often that I noticed the regular dates that Beauty held here with admirers. After Thunder broke up with her, as everyone knows by now, she was probably looking for a new gullible idiot. Anyway, the dates didn't seem to go so well, the guys didn't stay long. I don't think they were students from our university either, they all seemed older. One of the guys then was very rude to her, it seemed to be an online date and she had probably lied with her age. He didn't say anything good about her and really put her down. I have to be honest, it served her right. I had watched the scene and she acted so stupidly and bitchy towards him, no wonder a guy in his 30s with a brain would be angry.....I couldn't help but grin. Beauty saw it and was furious. She complained loudly about how rude the staff here were that my boss came and apologized to her for me and later gave me a warning in the office.....Moon, I'm dependent on this job, I can forget about my studies if I don't keep it..." Moon took her in his arms. She sobbed a little less now, but seemed to gather herself for the grand finale of her speech.

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