Chapter 7 - Waning 3/4 Moon ❤️

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Definition of waning 3/4 moon:

99.9% to 50.1% of the moon is illuminated.

As long as more than half of the lunar disk is illuminated, it is referred to as the waning three-quarter moon. This transitional lunar phase ends with the waning crescent moon, which is exactly 50% illuminated as seen from Earth.

The first semester party was still in full swing when all five of them helped to find Moon's clothes in the bushes.
Everything turned up, even his cell phone was still in the pocket of his jeans.

Moon changed again in the equipment room. He even found an old towel there that he could dampen a little in the sink of the janitor's workshop to rub the make-up off his face.

Everyone except Treasure, who had to get a few things from his club, then left the event from the parking lot without going back inside. They put Jewel in a cab before splitting up. Moon and News walked home to Moon. News still had to support him a little, but he was feeling much better.

Crown let himself be dragged silently and nervously behind Thunder, who was still holding his hand.
"How did you get here?" Thunder asked in a low voice.
"Taxi." Crown said succinctly.

Damn Ram, please let go of my hand! Don't make me feel like it means anything to you to hold me.

"Why?" Thunder didn't look at Crown. He just kept walking. They were on their way to Thunder's car.

Because I was afraid of exactly what happened, you fucking adorable, gullible moron....Omg....that hand....

"Because I was worried."
"You should be worried about yourself. I can see you're in pain, I'm not blind." Thunder's voice sounded completely monotone and emotionless. Crown sensed that Thunder was doing this on purpose. He had to be pissed off, but in Crown's physical state, he probably didn't want to argue with him.

Stop pretending Ram, I can take it when you shout at me, I'm used to it. Please don't be like that to me. I want to feel that you're angry, it distracts me from hoping you could....

"Ram...I...I'm sorry. I'll stay in bed now, I promise, but it was good that I was there, don't you think?"

Crown gave a small, pained smile.

It was better that way, at least admit it.

Thunder stopped, they had reached his car. But he didn't turn around. He continued to stubbornly look straight ahead, still holding Crown's hand.

"I told you not to do any more stupid things for me that put you in danger."

I know, but I can't help it...I'll do ANYTHING for you!

Crown nodded. "Yes....I know...and I did it, but I just couldn't help it. I stand by that too, you're welcome to hate me for it, but you were more important to me than any possible consequences." Crown said defiantly.

"What did I tell you would happen if you did something like that again?" Thunder's voice sounded menacingly serious.

"You said we wouldn't be friends anymore." Crown whispered sadly.

"I said that....and I'll tell you something else...I mean it."

He turned to Crown now.

That's how I know you, ruthless as in the game. I guess I deserved it too, and you were right to warn me. But you won't see me crying now. You know I can withstand your gaze. I'll take this punishment like a man, even if it rips my heart out of my chest. Maybe one day you'll give in...until that day, I'll still always be here Ram, no matter what you say now.

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