Chapter 25 - Sunrise (16+)

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Moon was at the meeting point with his trainer Tao in the park near the university at 5.55am on Monday morning. The morning was just dawning and he was still really tired. His body, marked by completely flabby muscle tone, simply didn't feel like getting up this morning and the black jogging suit he had borrowed from Uncle Isan's wardrobe just fitted him and hung on him just as listlessly.

Sun had insisted that Moon should start his training as planned, because he knew that it was important to do something for himself when he was only ever sacrificing himself for Sun at the moment. 

Moon had agreed, he hoped he would be able to do everything Tao asked of him and get a lot out of this training that would make him fitter, healthier and stronger. 

His new trainer appeared two minutes later around the next bend in the path through the park. 

He gave Moon a friendly wave and looked like a Greek god incarnate in his tight sports leggings and matching second-skin shirt. 

Moon, on the other hand, in his ancient jogging suit, the kind only older men wore on the couch, and equipped with the muscle tone of a spongy jellyfish, was a rather strange sight next to him. 

But that didn't bother Tao one bit. 

"I'm happy you came. My baby has already told me that you have a dramatic family situation at the moment, so it's all the better that you've decided to come here. It will make  you feel better, trust me." He flashed such a toothpaste smile that Moon was tempted to look in his pants pocket for a pair of sunglasses so he wouldn't be so blinded. 

"I hope you're right, I really am at my limit the last few days, but...I have to tell you something....I haven't worked for a few days now, I have to see if I can pay for the first lesson on Thursday." 

Moon said quietly and a little embarrassed.

"Pay?....But it's already been paid." 

Tao looked at Moon in confusion.

Moon looked back just as confused. 

"Already paid?" 

"Yes, even for a whole year. You're practically my most solvent customer. I'm even getting paid for our private training for the next four weeks, even though I wanted to do it completely voluntarily." Tao shrugged his shoulders. 

"But who paid for it?" Moon asked, even more confused.

"I think you'll have to ask my little mouse. Some Japanese businessman contacted him and asked for me. He forwarded everything to me. I thought you knew about it." 

Moon's jaw dropped. He would have to ask Sun later how it all came about, because who would the Japanese businessman be other than Hirato or Dad? 

"Well, let's get started. Let's start slowly. A few stretching exercises, then a warm jog over to the public sports equipment. Then a round of strength training." 

No sooner said than done.

Moon groaned quite a few times in pain as Tao showed him how to stretch properly and he realized that he was completely stiff in his joints. 

Tao folded him from a jackknife to a small package and back again. He then chased him, at a moderate pace but still quite mercilessly, the small lap through the park to the public sports equipment on the other side. 

Cum luna solem amat (If the moon loves the sun) (english)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя