Chapter 24 - Moon rising

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Definition of moonrise :

The rising or appearance of the moon above the horizon

What should he say to the woman on the phone?
What things needed to be done?
What was the first step?
How could he help Sun?

Moon closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
He concentrated on his innermost self.
His intellect, his superpower to easily recognize and foresee connections.
He tried to agree with the voice inside him and opened his eyes with the strength he drew from himself, but above all from his love for his boyfriend, who needed him now more than ever before.

"Hello, do you hear me? My name is Tawan Rangnaporn, please write it down so that you can remember who you spoke to on the emergency contact's phone. I am his boyfriend. What you said really hit him hard and I will accompany him and come to the hospital with him later today if at all possible. I would ask you, even though it certainly doesn't comply with the data protection regulations, to give us BOTH precise information about the patient's condition, and not just him, because he may not be mentally able to react adequately in this situation." Moon asked kindly but emphatically.

"I understand. In this particular situation, I'll be a little more generous. I'll just add your name as a contact person, then you won't have any trouble, you'll just both have to identify yourself."

"That's no problem. Thank you very much. Where do we have to report to?"

"Just come to the information desk at the main entrance and state your name and request. You will be sent to the consultation from there, I can't tell you yet which of the doctors will be there. But you will be given full information."

"Okay, we'll do that. Thank you again. If the condition worsens, before we arrive at the hospital, you can call this number again. It'll probably be me who answers the phone then. Goodbye."

"Yes, I will. Goodbye and good luck to you all."
The lady hung up.

Moon stood up, kissed his index finger and pressed it to Sun's head, but he let him sit where he was for now, realizing that there was no point in wanting anything from him right now. Nothing seemed to be getting through to him. He was safe there for now. He went to his room, finished getting dressed and called News first.
It took him a while to answer the phone and then he just whispered.

"Moon, what the hell do you want, I'm in the middle of a lecture that you should normally be in if you weren't such a high-flyer....but I'd better screw around with your sweetie I guess.... damn it I'm sitting under my bench in the lecture hall to make an inconspicuous phone call.... so.... tell me.....what's up?......and make it quick.....and I hope for you your matter is important."

"News, I need you! IMMEDIATELY! Sun is in an incredibly bad codition, his grandmother is in hospital and is probably dying...he's sitting apathetically in my bathroom and I can't get him up from the floor on my own....There's so much to do now, I can't do it alone!"

A few tears welled up in Moon's eyes. Sun couldn't see it and News' voice, no matter how grumpy it had just been, did him a hell of a lot of good. He could now allow some emotion.

"I'll be right there!"
News shouted into the cell phone in a strong voice.
Before he hung up, Moon heard in the background...
"Excuse me, I have to go... a family emergency!"
Then the receiver beeped.

What was to be done next?
Sun's father immediately came to Moons mind. He knew his son best in such a situation of deep grief and hoped for a clue as to how he could get him to function again. Besides, as a family member, he had to inform him about Yai's condition, which Sun would have done, even if he couldn't do much from where he was.

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