Chapter 19 - Equinox (part 3) 🔞

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About 30 minutes later, they had actually finished showering and brushing their teeth, Moon with a spare toothbrush from Sun's stash. They had dried each other's hair and climbed into bed wearing only shorts. Sun had turned on a small reading lamp in the room and hung a sheet over it, which provided a pleasantly warm, not too bright light. Moon crawled under Sun's blanket and lay cuddled up in his arms next to him, resting his upper body on top of him.

"That's nice...we can lie like this for a few more years."
Sun stated.

Moon smiled happily.
"Sounds great."

Then suddenly Sun sat up and pulled Moon up a little so that he still had him in his arms, but they were leaning back against the back wall of the bed.

"Ok Tsuki, go ahead, what do you want to talk about?"
Sun asked, signaling that he was ready to talk.

"Is it ok for this, I know....what we're doing together?"
Moon asked a little nervously.

" OK?!? No, it's not just OK, it's absolutely awesome! I love it...don't you?" Sun's voice sounded worried.

"Oh dear, of course .... I do !!!.... It's so incredibly wonderful .... but that ..... how should I put it? .... Until recently, I only lived for electronics, games and gadgets, that was enough for me ..... now I'm addicted to YOU ..... not only to your body, but also to your voice, your intellect, your personality. I want to be with you all the time, touch you, do wonderfully dirty things with you....damn it, I've already come twice today and I could touch you again and again because I want to experience this wonderful feeling again and again. I'm afraid of scaring you away. I can't cope with this strong libido at all right now. It feels like a racing car....from 0 to 100 in 2 seconds. I'm scared of myself, I'm some kind of.....creepy. Who wants to be in a relationship with someone who's constantly glued to you and jumps on you at every conceivable opportunity?"

Moon looked at Sun with a serious look and got an equally serious but loving look back.
The old nerd in him was absolutely overwelmed from all his new unknown desires snd feelings and he now felt a lot better, that he had talkt about it with his boyfriend.

"I want someone like that! No.....wait....not ANYONE....I want YOU exactly LIKE THAT, because you're fighting the exact same battle as me! Tsuki....why can't we just let it happen? We'll get less hung up on each other on our own at some point, I guess, because we'll have let off a bit more pressure with each other and will be able to control each other better at some point... we both haven't had any real experience with physicality in a sexual sense our whole lives... it's overwhelming us both in exactly the same way right now....I've never wanted to touch anyone like I want to touch you, but right now I want to spend the whole day naked in bed with you and only get up to wash, eat, drink and pee, only to go straight back to bed and make out with you until we're sore if we could. That sounds really scary, doesn't it?"

Moon couldn't help but laugh with incredible relief. Sun grinned happily at him.

"We're just such freaks Taiyo....we can't do anything normally. Neither school, nor university, nor interpersonal relationships with others....only with each other, we could do EVERYTHING and non-stop....well then. I'm willing to let go and do what ever we want to as long as it doesn't affect our work or studies."

"I totally agree with you....and that's exactly why I have a question Tsuki." Sun grinned even wider than before.

"Hmmmm?....What? Tell me?" Moon asked curiously.

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