Chapter 28 - Congruence of the celestial bodies (part1)

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Definition Congruence:
Complete agreement, being one and the same

After his session, Moon also had his arm taped with foil, just like Joshiro, only on his chest, and was given instructions on how to care for this open wound.

He nodded at everything and was also officially welcomed into the clan by Hirato.

As the four men left the studio, Hirato couldn't have been happier to have this new addition to the clan.

Joshiro could think of no greater honor than to now be fully recognized as the fiancé and successor of the man whose daughter he loved so madly.

Sun could hardly put into words the feelings that ran through him as he could now see his Tsuki as an inseparable part of his family, it almost felt like getting engaged, or even married. He was so infinitely happy.

His hand automatically sought Moon's, who now felt stronger than ever before in his life.

It all felt so right. The right time, the right people, the absolutely, irrevocably right relationship, he had found his place.

Moon's free thumb stroked steadily over Sun's finger.

Sun held Moon so tightly that not even a chainsaw could have separated their hands.

By now it was late afternoon when the quartet of men arrived back at Yai's house. Hoshi and the maid had helped Yai to sit at the table in the kitchen with her wheelchair, where she was happily cutting some carrots with her granddaughter, laughing. The preparations for dinner were in full swing.

Everyone was delighted to see Yai so well and she was so incredibly happy to be able to make herself a little useful, even if not in the same way as usual.

Moon didn't have much time now. He had to pack his things for the first training session, then he could only have a quick bite to eat and had to leave. Sun wanted to drive him, wait for him and then take him back.

As they were eating dinner, Hoshi had an idea.

"Yai, can I sleep here again tonight? I'd love to be with you for a while and listen to one of your bedtime stories before I go to sleep, just like I used to do when I was a little kid when we visited you here. You may all think it's childish, but I need it tonight after all the excitement. "

"I'd love to, my sweet Hoshi, your father and your fiancé will be fine without you for one night."

This promise made two people incredibly satisfied and happy, namely Hoshi and Yai, but directly ruined the evening of 3 other people.

Joshiro would miss Hoshi next to him in bed, her warmth, her gentle kisses, her lovely scent. He hadn't realized it last night because of his drunkenness, but now he knew how much he would miss having her with him that night.

Sun and Moon now knew that they wouldn't have any peace and quiet to get a little more intimate, because the guest room was across the hall, just one door down from Sun's room. There, Hoshi would probably hear everything they did together and they didn't really think that was appropriate.

Moon and Sun then excused themselves because they had to get up a little earlier from the table to go to the dojo. They took their dishes to the kitchen and stood there for a moment before washing up.

Cum luna solem amat (If the moon loves the sun) (english)Where stories live. Discover now