Paxton's Secret

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March 16th, 2017


"Why'd you even take me, Mom," I whined as I buckled up my seatbelt. 

"Because you're sick, and I don't want you to sleep for the whole day," She says, pulling out of the school driveway.

"I don't even sleep that much when I'm sick," I say. 

"Pax, baby, you sleep for 12 hours a day, play video games the whole night, and then sleep for another 12 hours," She tells me. 

"Yeah, because you give me melatonin," I defend.

"You swallow ibuprofen," She says, ending the conversation.

"Whatever," I mumble, turning the radio up. 

I put my hood up and curled into a ball, eventually falling asleep even though I had no intention to. I was awakened by Mom shaking me with Aunt Laura beside her.

"I thought you never slept, Pax?" Mom questions, and I shrug, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"I was resting my eyes. There's a difference," I tell her, getting out of the car. 

"We should get going. They're waiting for us," Aunt Laura tells Mom.

"Who's waiting?" I questioned, not getting an answer. 

"Follow us," Mom motions with her hand.

I follow them through the hallway until we reach the end. Laura types in a passcode, and the door opens slowly. Mom walks in first, followed by Laura and then me. I looked around and saw Grandpa (Fury) and Grandma (Melina) in the middle. I looked around the room and noticed this looked like a training ground. 

"What is this?" I questioned, looking at Mom.

She silences me and walks over to Grandma and Grandpa. I walk over, and Grandma pulls me in for a side hug. I wrap my arms around her waist.

"How's my внку (Grandson) doing?" She asks, and I shrug, turning my attention to Mom and Grandpa.

"Does he know?" Grandpa asks, looking at me. 

"Know what?" I ask, unwrapping my arms around Grandma's waist.

"Baby, you have....." She stops herself.

"A disease? An infection? What? What do I have?" I asked, impatient.

"Superpowers," She finishes.

My mouth drops, and I stare at her in disbelief.

"No," I whispered.

"Freaking," I said.

"WAY!!" I screamed.

"I HAVE SUPERPOWERS!!!" I screamed, running around the room.

"Paxton," Mom called out.

I ran back, and she sat me on the floor.

"You have superpowers. We don't know what they are," She tells me, and I nod. 

"That's why from now on, after school, you come here and train," She tells me, and my eyes sparkle.

"Does that mean?" I asked before Mom interrupted me.

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