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As Cui Ti walked back home, she held the snow-white rabbit tightly in her arms, and described the rabbit as a fairy-tale creature. Bai Tang led the way, while Ruo and Shou walked beside them, creating a friendly atmosphere.

Pei Xuan overheard their conversation about the rabbit's features and wondered if she should encourage her wife's maids to read more books to improve their knowledge.

She cleared her throat and the maids immediately fell silent, addressing her respectfully as "Young Master".

Pei Xuan's voice was as sweet as pear blossom wine as she dismissed them: "You may leave now."

"Yes, sir."

Ruo and Shou obediently left the room, leaving only Bai Tang and Cui Ti behind.

Bai Tang couldn't help but notice how easily her mistress blushed and trembled at Pei Xuan's words, like a delicate mimosa. Even the slightest touch coming from Pei Xuan made Cui Ti's heart skip a beat.

She let out a sigh and rubbed her arms, feeling goosebumps all over her body. Bai Tang muttered to herself about the couple's affection, thinking they were too indecent.

Seeing her little gesture from outside the room, Ruo asked without shame: "Tangtang, what's wrong with you?."

Bai Tang who saw her was worried that there was no one to chat with, so she greeted her and suggested they go chat under the tree in the courtyard.

The inner room's window was slightly open, and Cui Ti found herself alone with Pei Xuan, who made her nervous. Her heart raced as she gently touched the rabbit ears, hoping to avoid Pei Xuan's touch.

Her chest heaved and her neck flushed with shyness, her face alternating between pale and red. Despite her reluctance, she looked stunning from every angle.

"Wife?," Pei Xuan opened her mouth.

Without raising her eyebrows, Cui Ti listened to her voice and turned her body in the opposite direction, leaving Pei Xuan with a shy and awkward profile.

Her side profile was also striking, with porcelain-like skin, fine black hair framing her red ears like red blooms on black jade. Her neckline was graceful, her back straight, and even after years living in the broken tile southern house of the Xining Mansion, she exuded a charm free from any pettiness.

Pei Xuan's love embarrassed her, yet Cui Ti's heart was filled with joy. She raised her eyebrows and called out again, "My wife?."

She knew Pei Xuan's integrity, but also her occasional playfulness. The thought alone made her heart race, and she twisted and turned, hoping she wouldn't stare at her any longer.

"Good girl," Pei Xuan whispered affectionately.

Pei Xuan's intuition was spot on as she caught Cui Ti in her arms as she turned.

Despite her height, the embrace made her feel small and fragile, and Pei Xuan's teasing only made her feel more flustered.

At this moment, Pei Xuan asked why she ignored her, and Cui Ti who was stroking the snow-white rabbit in her palm replied,"I didn't."

Pei Xuan didn't ask any more. She smiled and stroked the little white rabbit together with her, and accidentally touched Cui Ti's jade finger with her fingertips, then she deliberately looked at Cui Ti's face.

To this, Cui Ti bit her lip in embarrassment, and touched the rabbit once more.

Soon Pei Xuan followed, making sure to touch her with her fingers.

Hmph! You dare run away, so naive~.

Cui Ti, who wanted nothing to do with her, sighed dejectedly and looked at her husband.

On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui RealizedWhere stories live. Discover now