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The eastern horizon began to brighten, casting a gentle glow over the land. The sky and earth were enveloped in a delicate mist, creating an ethereal atmosphere.

Outside the window, the flowers flourished, their petals unfurling in vibrant colors, filling the air with a delightful fragrance.

The expansive sky, adorned with twinkling stars that hold the promise of the future, harmonizes with the blooming flowers, creating a picturesque morning that can only be described as breathtakingly beautiful.

In the midst of this serene ambiance, the silence is interrupted by the palpable tremors of people's hearts.

Pei Xuan found herself lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, her mind was a tumultuous sea, caught between deep contemplation and a state of complete emptiness.

A chilling sensation engulfed half of her body, mirroring the frigid state of her heart. The once esteemed and charismatic No. 1 'gentleman' in Xijing now resembled a delicate flower petal, mercilessly battered by the harsh winds of early spring, quivering and in tatters.

Suddenly, a thunderous explosion reverberated in her mind, as if a bolt of lightning had struck on a clear day, leaving her disoriented and unable to discern her bearings. She couldn't help but question if this was some cruel trickery unfolding.

Doubts began to plague her, causing her to question the state of her own mind.

Maybe, she was still in a dream.

At this time, Pei Xuan let go of her wife's embrace and walked to the bed in a daze, planning to sleep again.

Otherwise, how can a woman who is born blind suddenly begin to see? It defied all logical reasoning.

And yet, why did she allow herself to believe that her wife had the ability to see?

It felt as if something within her had suddenly shattered. She was overwhelmed by a racing heart and trembling legs, fully aware of her wakefulness. Her soul seemed to detach from her body, floating in a state of disbelief. Involuntarily, she found herself lying on the spacious bed, wrapped snugly in a quilt adorned with delicate brocade. The fabric exuded the gentle scent of Cui Ti's skin, invoking memories of their passionate intimacy from the previous night.

Vividly, she recalled the beads of sweat that trickled down Cui Ti's neck, cascading onto her chest like glistening pearls. Her wife's fair complexion radiated an ethereal beauty, every inch of her body exquisitely soft to touch.


Watching Pei Xuan retreat to the bed and gently close her eyes, Cui Ti found the situation amusing yet tinged with a hint of embarrassment. She settled herself back on the bed and playfully tapped Pei Xuan's face with her fingertip, relishing the pleasant sensation it brought.

"Husband," she called out softly.

Pei Xuan shut her eyes tightly, gritted her teeth, and stood upright, resembling a dried salted fish devoid of its soul.

Her reaction, though seemingly peculiar, was expected. Even if she experienced a slight dizziness, it was understandable. When Cui Ti discovered that she obtained the ability to see, her heart was equally shaken.

In the past, Cui Ti had been unable to fully comprehend the depths of Pei Xuan's heart, hesitating to speak. However, now that they had undergone the sacred ceremony of intimacy, and it would be unfair to keep such a profound secret.


Speaking softly, the kind-hearted Cui Ti gently caressed Pei Xuan's astonished face once again with her fingertips, "Husband?."

On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui RealizedWhere stories live. Discover now