Fairy Tales

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A woman dressed extravagantly sat atop a plump donkey, her legs dangling freely.

The evening breeze picked up, causing the brass bell tied around the donkey's neck to chime with a series of crisp sounds. The woman gazed at the closed gates of the Pei mansion and shouted, "Hey, wake up!"

The sound waves rippled through the air, resembling a stone skipping across the surface of a calm lake.


Water splashed in all directions.

Pei Xuan rubbed her eyes, abruptly jolted awake. "Who's there?."


Originally, the night was adorned with stars and the glowing moon. However, dark clouds rolled in, obscuring the moon and robbing the stars of their brilliance. The once radiant night turned into an abyss of thick, suffocating darkness.

The butler swiftly arrived and respectfully stood outside the door. "Madam, Young Master, there is a peculiar woman outside who claims to be able to alleviate your worries."

"Alleviate?" Mrs. Pei glanced at her daughter.

Pei Xuan sat by Cui Ti's bedside, gently wiping away her sweat. The mansion's family doctor spoke out about his powerlessness against Cui Ti's illness.

Realizing this, she spoke with a deep voice, "Please invite her in."

The inner room was filled with the bitter aroma of medicinal decoction. Pei Xuan glanced sideways as the gauze curtain was drawn down.

A mysterious visitor had entered through the door in the dead of night.

Under the illumination, her attire was striking, as if she intended to wear every color in the world. She was unparalleled in her appearance, ageless, with dark eyes and a smile that held a profound seriousness, captivating anyone who beheld it.

Her clothes were resplendent, adorned with a fat jade crane hanging from her waist, its eyes closed.

Pei Xuan observed the woman, and in return, the woman calmly studied Pei Xuan.

Youthful and romantic, gentle and graceful, her waist remained slender as ever. The allure of integrity and inviolability hadn't waned over the years.

The faint celestial aura had transformed into an air of profound erudition. She appeared like a scholar, her eyes resembling stars, exuding a sense of clarity throughout her entire being, akin to a radiant moonlit night and a gentle spring breeze.

She smiled, "I have had the pleasure of meeting Pei Xuan."

Pei Xuan greeted her, "May I inquire as to the purpose of your visit?."

"I am here because of your wife's illness."

She disclosed a secret known only to insiders, leaving Mrs. Pei, who was behind a screen, astonished and pondering over the identity of this person.

Famous hermits often concealed themselves within renowned mountains and rivers, but the voice of this individual did not resemble that of a long-lived mythical creature; instead, it sounded remarkably young.

The woman's smile remained unwavering, and she gazed at Pei Xuan with an expression of delight, as if witnessing a rare spectacle.

"Senior possesses true skills." Pei Xuan had no doubts and immediately bowed respectfully, saying, "Please lend me your assistance, senior."

"It's a simple matter," she responded.

With a flick of her fingers, she brushed against the jade hanging from her waist, causing the fat crane to reluctantly twist twice, as if it were a living creature.

On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui RealizedWhere stories live. Discover now