Chapter 42: Jump

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 "I told you to get out of here!" Russell pointed angrily at Polly, whose ears drooped lowly as Russell scolded him. He wasn't expecting to feel upset at having disappointed Russell, but he felt odd about it. "I didn't mean to stay, but we broke our device and need help!" Polly frantically answered, "You mean the multitool?" Kipp said in awe more than anything else; it was already extremely impressive. The tool had enough components to base an entire shield system on alone, and to think that Kipp had barely scratched the surface of the technology. So much was packed into that little gadget, and he was itching to learn more. "No, that's something else. We're talking about the time displacement device. That's what we used to get here." Gauge informed. He eyed Kipp as he answered, taking note of his curiosity; it was the engineer. Gauge could've tried to repair it himself, but he still needed someone with mechanical knowledge, like Kipp. "We need someone with technical expertise, like your kitty there. My Patrol degree is in temporal mechanics... not engineering."

"Oh... no! You are not using my son for your convoluted plan. I already told Polly I couldn't protect you if you were caught again. Now, you'll stay here until Tommy weighs in on this; I never should've given you the benefit of the doubt." The door breezed open, and 'Chancellor' Bodi stood in the middle of the corridor. Russell skipped the pleasantries and pulled Bodi into the room. "Finally, Chancellor. We need you." Russell guided Bodi toward the action, and the bunny nervously stepped over as if he were going to trip over his heels.

News of Bodi's new position was not a shock to Russell or anyone else in the room, nor was it discouraged because they needed someone to slip into that role as quickly as possible with the death of Kori. Bodi's election was broadcast on every channel the communications system offered. "What's going on, Russell?" Bodi, as he looked at Gauge and Polly, immediately stopped caring about Russell and brightly smiled at newcomers in the room. "I didn't know there were Earthens here. I'm Bodi, but almost everyone just calls me Bode! What are you doing all the way out here?" Gauge's tail wagged a little at Bodi's friendliness, and he waved; Polly folded his arms— he might not've been back to Omeocoon for a while, but he knew when the Chancellor, the highest authority on the planet, was involved. It was clearly a highly sensitive situation.

"We don't," Russell answered bluntly for Gauge and Polly; he wrinkled his nose distrustfully at them. "Gauge and Polly are intruders. They're from another time." Gauge fake cleared his throat and corrected Russell, "And dimension." Gauge stifled that under his breath, "Whatever." Russell rolled his eyes at Gauge's nerdy response. He did not particularly care for the thoughts of someone who did not belong here. "What did Tommy say?" Bodi asked. Everyone shrugged, and all at the same time. "We just figured you would decide for us. Y'know, since you're the leader of our population." Maxion chuckled nervously, having been silent in the corner; it was a surprise when they discovered he was hiding, "Uh... I'm sorry, but I'm still getting used to this. I don't know. Maybe we could pardon them? That's something I can do, right?"

"You're asking us?" Russell questioned with widened eyes, astonished. Perhaps he thought Bodi would magically know what to do when pushed into the position. Clearly not. "Yes, you can. That way, I can help them with their device!" Kipp insisted. Bodi nodded. He did like Kipp and the solution was obvious— after all, what would happen if they didn't receive a pardon? They couldn't just keep them here forever. And it was better to let them help than have them sit there doing nothing in a prison cell. "I hereby pardon you," Bodi said in his best official voice before laughing with Kipp at that. Russell hissed and then turned to storm out when the door opened again. Cal, Howie, and Tommy joined them. "Finally, what the hell took you so long?" Russell barked at Howie, trying not to be spooked by the sudden actuation of the door, "I'm sorry, he took forever to find," Howie excused himself, and Russell patted himself down frantically, looking for the 'discipline cards.'

"Ugh... you're so lucky I don't have that punishment box. Otherwise, you'd be on your face!" Howie whimpered and once again hid behind Cal for safety. "What's going on? I thought I said interrogate them. Why'd you let them go?" Tommy glared at Russell; he didn't bother to greet the other group in the room; they were in their own bubble, making it awkward for everyone else. "Because I'm chief of security and do what I want with my prisoners."

"Not without authorization. I still outrank you." Tommy pointed out, Russell snarled and then gawked at that, "Says who? What exactly is your position here, Tommy? Because Omeocoon hasn't been a member of the Patrol since 2100, your authority isn't recognized here." Tommy stepped closer, his hands formed into fists. Russell silently moved forward as well— his frown deepened as his heart started to pound in his chest, the adrenaline filling his body with every breath. Tensions continued to escalate between Russell and Tommy over their respective authority. Bodi intervened, attempting to diffuse the situation with charm and diplomacy.

"Hey... guys. Let's just relax," Bodi interjected, his tone calm but awkward. He stepped in between Russell and Tommy before they started physically fighting each other. "We have more pressing matters at hand. These two are here with a specific purpose, and we must address that." Bodi continued.

Still visibly agitated, Russell narrowed his eyes at Gauge and Polly but begrudgingly acquiesced to Bodi's words. Tommy, however, remained skeptical, his gaze fixed firmly on Russell. "Fine," Tommy scoffed and then continued. "They don't get free rein. Keep a close eye on them, and try not to let them go this time." Tommy added, glaring at Russell, who turned to face the other direction, physically ignoring Tommy's presence. They still needed assistance repairing their time displacement device to return to their dimension before their mother and her group of scientists got worried. They probably were already worried. Kipp, ever the eager engineer, immediately volunteered to help. "I'll do whatever it takes to help them get home," He declared, raising both of his hands as if to volunteer himself twice, his enthusiasm palpable. Maxion approved before Russell could reject the notion, placing a hand on Kipp's shoulder. "Okay. But you be careful." Maxion warned. Kipp smiled at his co-parent. Grateful for his approval.

"Okay. Apologize to each other." Bodi smiled; Tommy and Russell hesitated, "Make them hug, too," Kipp added, snickering deviously at the two. Bodi nodded at the idea, "I want you to be friends." Reluctantly and in blush from both sides, "Very funny, but I've got better things to do." Tommy turned to leave, and Bodi planted his hands on his hips, frowning, "Wait, it wasn't a joke. It's an order from your esteemed Chancellor." Tommy paused. He couldn't legally refuse to do it as much as he wanted to.

He respected his cousin's authority but wished that Bodi wasn't the Chancellor right now. Under orders, Tommy and Russell exchanged awkward apologies, their pride still evident in their expressions. Russell purposefully stepped on Tommy's tail. Tommy retaliated by squeezing Russell like a squishy toy until his lungs couldn't expand to fill with air. This was all under the room's watchful gaze and Bodi's insistence. They tentatively embraced in a half-hearted hug, their differences momentarily set aside after some mild humiliation in the form of laughter from everyone in the room. Kipp returned his attention to Gauge and Polly. "Well, I have to look at the thing to determine how much damage has been done to it... but from what you've told me, it's quite possible you might be here for a while." Kipp knew they had loved ones back in whatever universe they were from, which immediately caused Gauge's tail to droop closer to the ground. "Oh... how long would it take you to look at it?"

Before Kipp could respond, a powerful shockwave struck them. The station was quite prone to the turbulence of being in low orbit, but these trembles were continuous, one after another. Eventually, Russell pounced to one of the stations, accessing the exterior scanners. He ran a quick sweep. "What is it?" Tommy said, moving to Russell's side as he watched the console attempt to establish what was happening, but it didn't take long for them to realize that this was no turbulence; it was weapons fire.

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