Running away from the place i was forced to call home

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(FAIR WARNING BEFORE YOU BEGIN! I aged Luke down to 14 for this story, if you have a problem with it; don't read my story. It doesn't bother me any. Now the reason i changed Luke's age and not others was because i would have had to age them up to 16; and with Percy, the prophecy wouldn't work. So, Luke is 14 *don't forget! *)

Trust me, if you even think for a second, you're a half blood, you need to close this. Put it back on the shelf like nothing happened and go on with your day. If you're lucky enough to be a mortal and think you are just reading another story; I envy you. My story started rather simply, it was a warm day in New York, three days left until summer break; my least favorite time of year. You see, I live with my father Frederick Chase, his wife, and their two kids. I had a sister, who was also adopted, I loved her so much. She ran away and died five years ago, and my father just excepted it, but I was never to speak of her.

"CASPAIN! IF YOUR NOT OUT OF BED IN THE NEXT FIVE MINUTES, I SWEAR TO-" I put my headphones on and drowned her out with David Kushner. God, I hate my stepmother, she's so rude. I looked in my closet and noticed my favorite shirt was missing. My Captain America shirt, god i love Chris Evans! I yanked my door open and walked to my 'sisters' room. I banged on the door, screaming her name.

"ELIZABETH!" I shouted, causing her to turn off her music and open the door. The shield caught my eye.

"What?" She said, plainly, wearing my shirt. I pointed as I heard our- no- her mother storm over.

"That's my shirt, you don't even like Marvel. You say it's for losers." She shrugged and made tears form in her eyes, i knew what was coming, our 'mother'. I refused to call her mom; Karen worked just fine.

"What in god's name is going on in here?" I turned to say something, but Elizabeth beat me to it. With her pouting lip and her teary eyes, she went ahead.

"She's yelling at me because she thought i stole her shirt. She made fun of me too for liking it." She sobbed. Clearly her mother believed her act and pulled her into a hug. As i tried to tell her my story she interrupted me.

"You will be disciplined later, Child. Get over yourself and go to school. Another tardy and we WILL send you away. Just you wait dear." I scoffed and went back to my room, being sure to slam the door. I grabbed a T-shirt with the word Marvel on it and my shorts that I painted my favorite characters all over the left leg. It was the left for Bucky Barnes, who lost his left arm during WW2, and i hand painted Captain America, Black Widow, Iron-Man, Thor, Hulk, Spider-man, Falcon, Bucky, Captain Marvel, The Scarlet Witch, Vision, Black Panther and Shuri; his sister. I was brushing my hair as my cat rubbed my leg with my hair tie in his mouth.

"Hey Alpine, give me that." I took it out of his mouth and threw my hair into a ponytail. I put on my socks and converse (Which the logo was Cap's shield on the right shoes and Bucky's arm on the left), lacing them up tightly. Finally, I was dressed and could leave the house, so, I made sure to grab my backpack and dump everything out. I grabbed two outfits, my hairbrush, food for Alpine, my sister's old diary from before she died, and the only thing I had from my real family; a stupid ring. I rolled my eyes and called Alpine over.

"In." He jumped into the backpack, and I zipped it just enough so he could peak his head out. As I was leaving, I noticed the map of New York and grabbed it. As if I could read it though... I have Dyslexia, a reading disability. We got onto the bus that would drop me off at the Greek museum, the one place that felt like a home. Forget school, I'm leaving for good. I just wanted to see this place that felt so safe one more time, then I was running away. What I didn't know was a school was on a field trip and I was going to interrupt it. I noticed two kids after I had looked around, so I walked over. They seemed to be arguing

"I didn't push Nancy!" One with blonde hair and ocean blue eyes; like mine, said loudly. Then he noticed me.

"If you're here to take our lunch money, we don't have any. So, get lost." I rolled my eyes and tried not to start something, so I pulled the wrinkled map out of my pocket and dropped my backpack. I heard Alpine meow, causing me to instantly feel like a terrible person.

"Sorry bud! Look, I was just wondering if one of you could help me read this?" They looked at each other and back at me. The other one was small and seemed to be scared of everything, the blonde boy seemed to not be afraid of anything.

"You don't know how to read a map?" The blonde said again, clearly confused, but I just wanted to get away from New York. So, i told him, flat out.

"I have Dyslexia, stupid. So, if you won't help me, do you have a teacher who can?" The kid shook his head, and I could tell he felt bad now.

"I'm sorry, I have it too. I'm just so used to other kids bullying us..." The other kid shifted and stood up to grab the map. He had brown hair and it almost looked like something in his hair, maybe food. I heard Alpine meow and the kid with brown hair replied to him.

"I know. Smells weird." He looked around sniffing and I realized I chose some weird kids. The other one also looked at him strangely as he unfolded the map. We were just staring until he looked up and looked slightly panicked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Grover, and this is Percy Jackson. Where are you looking to go?" Jackson? That's crazy.

"I'm Caspian Jackson... that's kinda cool, I guess, same last name. Must be common. I don't know, uhm, Maine?" I guessed a state as far as i could remember from our big unit a few months ago. Percy's head perked up when I said my last name and Grover's head shot up when I said Maine.

"What do you need in Maine?" I decided these kids were fine, and around my age, so I should make some friends. I sat down and let alpine into my lap as I spoke up, not like i will ever see them again. Boy i wish i knew how mistaken i was...

"I'm running away..." They looked shocked and there was a look in Grover's eyes that I couldn't quite place. Percy looked down at me and looked at my face.

"Your parents..." I nodded as he moved closer to me. Alpine moved off my lap and tried to rub on Grover. He purred and meowed, causing Grover to reply again.

"Not yet. Wait." I looked strangely at him, but Percy spoke up before I could question it.

"You could stay with me? I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind." Grover suddenly agreed and grabbed my arm mumbling something about a deadline. I never took them seriously, deadlines i mean, ADHD did that for me.

"Woah, guys you're still strangers." Grover didn't stop trying to pull me so i told Alpine to jump into the bag. Percy stood back up and helped me up with little assistance from Grover. Grover began to walk fast and drag us onto a bus.

"Grover, what's happening?" He kept mumbling about the deadline and i could tell Percy was confused. After a long and confusing bus ride, we stopped and got off.

"I have to use the ba-aaathroom. Will you promise to stay here?" Grover stuttered while saying bathroom and i glanced at Percy who nodded, not noticing my sideways glance. I let go of it, thinking maybe Percy and Grover are friends over their disabilities.

"Say it! Both of you. Promise." I rolled my eyes and said it before Percy could open his mouth.

"Grover, we promise to stay here and wait." He turned to Percy and i did honestly try to pay attention, but this old lady was giving me the creeps. Her stare was terrifying, i felt like if i moved, she may lunge at me. But she was just an 80-year-old lady, knitting a massive sweater. Grover hobbled away, like he had a limp, and Percy turned to walk the other way.

The lost sister: A Caspian Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now