I go to Hell!!!!

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We got to the recording studio a few minutes later and Percy turned to us.

"You remember the plan, right?" We all nodded; our plan was to tell the guy we died. Pretty simple. Also, Alpine would turn back into cat form for this part of the adventure. Percy took the pearls out of his pocket and i sighed, someone wouldn't be making it home, and if it came to it- it will be me. I'm not letting any of my friends die on this quest- especially if I'm half of the reason we are on it. Annabeth put a hand on his shoulder, and they had a quiet conversation. Alpine jumped and turned back into a cat, landing in my arms.

"Let's whip some underworld butt!" Percy announced. We walked in and tried to pretend to be depressed, which wasn't that hard considering we could be walking into a death trap. In the lobby sat a tall man with almost white hair and chocolate skin. He was wearing a very fancy suit, and his name tag was difficult to read.

"Y-Your name is Chiron?" I asked; had somebody named this man after our camp activities director? The man got upset and leaned over his podium to look at us- did i forget to mention he was on a podium two or three feet taller than us?

"What a precious young lady." I backed up, into Percy, holding onto Alpine so i wouldn't drop him. "Tell me mate, do i look like a centaur?" I wanted to talk back, but Annabeth must have known that because she kicked my shin and spoke up.

"No sir, you don't." He didn't look at Annabeth, but his eyes drilled into me. He pulled his nametag forward and hunched over so i could see better.

"Can you read this mate? It says C-H-A-R-O-N. Say it with me: Care-on." I muttered it under my breath and he clapped. "Amazing! Now, Mr. Charon." I muttered it and he leaned back, satisfied. "I HATE being confused with that old horse guy. And now, how may i help you, little dead ones?" I really wanted to punch him for his insult towards Chiron, but Annabeth stuttered and i hoped he just hoped that he thought we were nervous dead people.

"W-we want to go to the Underworld." Charon chuckled and patted the 'dust' off his suit.

"Well, that's refreshing! Straightforward and honest. No screaming, no crying- blah blah blah- Anyways, how did you die, then?" I elbowed Grover, as it was his part now. He choked on his spit for a second, then stuttered over himself.

"Um... Drowned.... in bathtub." I mentally facepalmed. He was with not one, but TWO children of Poseidon, and he says we drowned!? Jesus, Gods, i pray for this kid. Charon squinted and looked at each of us- including Alpine.

"All four of you? And the cat?" We all nodded and i hugged Alpine with a fake tear in my eye. "Big bathtub." Grover nervously pulled at his shirt, and I just hoped that he would belive us. "I don't suppose you have coins for passage? Normally with adults, you see, i charge their credit cards or debit, but you are just children. I suppose you must take a seat for, oh- the next centry or so?" Percy shook his head and dug something out of his pocket.

"Oh, but we do have coins." Percy pulled out a small handful of Drachmas, he must have stolen them from the place i learned was Crusty's.

"Wow. Real Drachmas? Real, golden Drachmas. I have seen these in..." He moved his hand, about to touch them, then shot his head up to look at me.

"Here now, you couldn't read my name correctly, are you dyslexic, lad?" I shook my head and calmly said.

"Nope, just dead." Charon leaned forward and sniffed me. Suddenly, he seemed more upset.

"You're not dead! I should have known- you're a godling!" Percy spoke up and stepped Infront of me. I glanced behind myself at Grover and Annabeth, hoping she had a plan. I heard a growl, and everyone shot up out of their seats and began pacing, humming, shouting, and more. I began to breathe heavily and tried to force away the oncoming Anxiety Attack. 5 of us. 4 coins stacked on the table. Three boys. Two female demi-gods. One cat. I calmed down and figured out i had missed part of the conversation, but i had calmed myself down. Percy grabbed my arm, and he whispered in my ear.

"He's letting us on, let's go before he changes his mind." I nodded and we pushed through the dead people waiting. They shouted cruel names that i can't repeat; seeing as this is a PG story. We got onto an elevator and Percy made eye contact with me. It's fine... Zeus shouldn't be able to get us here- it's Hades' realm now. Charon turned to the dead and told them basically to behave, then shut the doors; swiping a card through the slot. We started going down and i started humming Timber by Pitbull. I looked around the elevator as i listened to Annabeth and Charon.

"What happens to the spirits waiting in the lobby?" Charon shook his head and mumbled something that sounded like 'nothing' but i wasn't sure. "For how long?" Annabeth asked, which assured me that he had said nothing.

"Forever, or until I'm feeling generous." Which is never. I thought, but i suddenly was dizzy, so i grabbed onto the closest thing; which happened to be Percy's shoulder. We were going forward now, and the air turned misty. The floor began swirling around, so i closed my eyes, and opened them on a small boat.

"The river Styx." Annabeth looked over the side of the boat. Somehow, i knew that this wasn't a river i could control... "It's so." Annabeth couldn't find the word she was looking for, but Charon could.

"Polluted. For thousands of years, you humans have been throwing in everything as you have crossed. Hopes, dreams, wishes- Irresponsible waste management, if you ask me." I felt angry... as i always did when someone talked about polluted water. It upset something inside of me and i knew i got that from my dad's side of the family. Annabeth grabbed Percy's hand and I felt Alpine move around in my lap, showing he was alive and bringing all of us back to reality. We were alive; for how long? I don't know. Percy muttered something that i don't even think he understood; by the look on his face, but after a long ride (but not long enough), we arrived. A dog howled in the background and i knew it was Cerberus; guardian of the underworld.

"Old three face is hungry, bad luck for you godlings." Charon's smile was creepier in the green lighting, he almost made me want to jump into the river. "I'd wish you luck mate, but there isn't any down here. Mind you, don't forget to mention my pay raise." I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about, but Percy nodded as Annabeth began following the dead on the path. There were three entrances and i remember hearing about them from Luke; he was sure to try and teach me all about history.

"What do you figure?" Percy looked at us; as if he wanted us to choose. Thankfully, Annabeth spoke up with her wisdom magic stuff.

"The fast line must go to the Asphodel Fields. No contest. They don't want to risk the judgement of the court, because it might rule against them." Percy, Annabeth, and Grover had a small conversation as i looked around. I saw a girl wandering around with beautiful curly, black hair, and warm hazelnut looking eyes. She seemed young, but slightly older than us- thirteen? Fourteen? She seemed so sad, like she was looking for someone, but that wasn't right. Everyone in the fields loses their memories of past lives, right? She kept muttering 'mom' as she looked around. Percy turned around and realized I was staring at her.

"Casp, let's go!"

The lost sister: A Caspian Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now