An awkward introduction. Or two...

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"Everyone-" Percy tried to grab his arm and stop him, but Chiron didn't care. Oh god, this is so embarrassing!

"Everyone, your attention, please! This is Percy and Caspian Jackson; I trust you will see whatever they need." Percy raised his hand, awkwardly, and i just played with my ring. They all stared at us and started talking again, Percy looked around, almost scared? I felt bad for him, i wasn't as 'shy'.

"I know you feel powerless, Percy Jackson, but you're not. All will reveal itself in time." He addressed Percy and I'm honestly glad he didn't talk to me. But then he did, and it startled me so much, i jumped. I heard giggles from other girls in the cabin.

"And you, Caspian Jackson, should maybe let off a little steam at the sword-fighting arena. Not on people." Did he know about all the fights i got into at school? God, i hope not. Then, without a goodbye or anything, he just left. Percy and i glanced at each other and looked around, we then decided to go find a place to put our stuff; I did have much more than him, though. We found a place with two sleeping bags on the floor, with a note, that i stared at for a hot minute, until Percy tried to read it out loud.

"Welcome to Camp, i hope you free-" I squinted at the words and pointed to 'free'.

"I think that says find." He squinted too and nodded. We were both struggling.

"Yeah- i think so. Hope you find it e-energetic? That doesn't sound right. E-eng- UGH!" He stopped trying, we got the memo anyways. These sleeping bags were now our beds at Camp Half-Blood and i was not excited to test how comfortable they are. Percy knelt next to his bed and pulled out a blue bag of candy, which i immediately knew; it was from our mother. That's so weird, OUR mother. I heard someone mumble how we were the kids who killed the Minotaur, and i remembered how it had killed our mom... These group of kids were gathered near us, but one walked over.

"I recommend you back off, before i punch you in your face." I snarled as i turned around, facing him. Percy stood up and grabbed my arm, probably realizing i was about to start something. I've always had difficulty fitting in, and kids would pick on me. One day i realized i was strong enough to fight back, and i guess now that's how i defend myself.

"Just do it tomorrow, i can't handle any more today." I instantly felt bad for Percy, and tried to show i wasn't going to throw hands- yet. The kid smirked and it was the creepiest thing I've ever seen. But he was honestly kinda hot.

"Heard what happened to you guys on the hill. And i just wanted to say I'm really sorry. I know what you're going through. Believe me." I held my stance, not fully trusting this new kid, and i felt a little salty when he said he knows what we are going through.

"I think you don't. Try having to find out you're a twin, right after your real mother died Infront of you." I think he ignored that sentence, because he held his hand out towards Percy.

"I'm Luke." Okay. I will admit, maybe this kid isn't evil, but still. I've been around so many bullies, i can't tell who to trust. Percy cautiously shook his hand, but he seemed nervous.

"Percy." They let go and Luke turned to me, holding out his hand. I glared at him and noticed a scar falling from his eye and halfway down his face. I grabbed his hand.

"Caspian..." I trailed off, because i noticed Annabeth lurking behind a tree. He turned around, but she disappeared.

Luke actually turned out to be pretty nice! He showed us around the different activities, and i was good at sword fighting. So was Percy, but Luke kept getting us unarmed.

Eventually, we had to go to dinner, and the Hermes table was packed! Percy and i sat on the edges of the table and kept getting shoved. Annabeth walked in with the Athena cabin trailing behind. Everyone was being loud and i could hear my heartbeat from how anxious i was. I hated big crowds with loud noises. Chiron came in and got everyone to be quiet, and another dude; who Luke taught me was Mr. D (yup. The grape god, dude)

The lost sister: A Caspian Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now