She lives, but not the she i expected

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I opened my eyes, and instantly regreted it; i had a terrible headache.

"Caspian?" I opened my eyes and saw Annabeth, causing me to gasp and sit up. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Percy. My mouth was dry, my head was spinning, and my leg was throbbing. I choked on my words when a guy in a wheelchair rolled in, which scared me more, because i didn't know him.

"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, Caspian Jackson!" He said as i pulled the blanket off my legs to let them cool down. They felt on fire. I gasped when i saw the massive gash i had, was all but a small cut now. I looked around frantically, hoping to find something to wake me up from this insane dream. I tried to stand up, but Percy's grip on my shoulder tightened.

"Caspian, calm down." Annabeth tried to grab me, but i pulled my arm away from her, with tears in my eyes. My face was hot, my leg was hot, i was a time bomb now.

"N-no! YOU'RE DEAD! You- she- you're-" I stuttered as i felt the tears fall and dampen my face. Percy looked at the man and back to Annabeth. I was trying to think of what i can do, how to help myself now.

"Annabeth, I need you to leave so i can explain this to Ms. Jackson." Annabeth nodded and walked out; she was clearly upset. I was hyperventilating and i felt like a caged animal, but Percy sat next to me, and that calmed me down. Having someone i knew with me.

"Hey- you're okay, it's safe here. No monsters." I looked at him and noticed the horn on the table. The horn i ripped off the Minotaur before he knocked me off, and after he killed Percy's mother. I realized this wasn't a dream, somehow, and calmed down a little.

"Ms. Jackson, I am Chiron, activities director here at camp. You are a half-blood, meaning; specifically for you, your mother is mortal, and your father is a god." I thought about what Percy had said to his mother. You fell in love with God? Like- like Jesus? So that narrowed it down and proved that he wasn't talking about God.

"Greek gods?" I guessed. He nodded and continued to try and explain this to me, with Percy nodding every so often. Eventually he brought up Annabeth again.

"Annabeth ran away five years ago, as you very well know, but she did not die. She escaped to camp with a couple others. Annabeth is safe and very much alive, dear." He glanced at Percy and back to me. I was still in shock, but he had one more thing up his sleeve and it wasn't something i would have ever expected.

"And you- you have a sibling here at camp..." I nodded and didn't quite understand. I genuinely thought he was talking about Annabeth. Percy coughed and we turned to him, Chiron nodded.

"Percy Jackson is your brother, Caspian Jackson." My head shot over to Chiron's area and i glanced at Percy. That's crazy, this has got to be a weird joke.

"That's kinda funny, but now's not a time to joke." His face tensed a second before Percy spoke up, after playing with his hands.

"I- uh. It's not a joke, we have- had the same mom. Haven't you realized it? We look alike, same last name, both have ADHD, and Dyslexia?" The more i thought about it, the more it made sense. But one question managed to surface itself.

"So we are Half-Blood-Half-Siblings?" Chiron laughed and Percy had to think about it for a second. Clearly, he was slightly confused by the statement.

"Yes, yes i suppose so..." I tried not to think about Sally Jackson, who was apparently my mother. I was thinking about this all night, even after Percy and Chiron left, telling me to sleep well. I realized everything does truly make sense; my parents didn't drown in a car wreck... so, how did i really end up with Fredrick Chase? I let myself think until my brain began to register how tired my body was, and i went into a deep sleep. I woke up with a straw in my mouth and i tasted a sweet brownie taste, so i opened my eyes. Annabeth was holding a cup near me and noticed that i was now awake and pulled the cup away. 

"Good morning." She said, and i realized i felt much better. I rubbed my eyes and looked around, confused.

"What was that?" I sounded exhausted, but Annabeth didn't seem to care as she helped me sit up. She glanced back at the cup and spoke up again.

"Ambrosa, heals half-bloods. And boy did you need it, how are you feeling?" She answered. I thought about her question and looked at her.

"Safe." She smiled and sat down next to me.

"So, you're not dead?" I grinned, trying to joke with my sister. She nodded after a small laugh.

"No, I'm not dead. I ran away and made a couple of friends, who managed to get me here. You'll meet Luke eventually, and Thalia- well she's-" I knew what she was trying to say, I've heard our father stutter it to me when i was seven. I decided to change topics, so she didn't have to tell me the story.

"So are we technically not siblings?" The question had hopped into my mind while i was half asleep last night. I mean clearly, we weren't fully siblings, but maybe half? If you got a good look at us, you would know. Annabeth has brown eyes, and brown, black hair, whereas i had blue eyes, and brown hair. (I based her off of Leah Sava Jeffries, not the book)

"No... i don't technically have a father, and my mother is Athena. Your mother is Sally Jackson, and you have yet to be claimed by your father." What did she mean 'claimed'? Why had no one said my father's name?

"What in God's name do you mean, claimed?" She looked at me and realized that i hadn't been told what was going on; fully.

"Oh. You haven't been claimed by your father, Caspian. Meaning, for now you're stuck in the Hermes cabin with Percy and Luke." I had so many questions, but something in her eyes told me she needed a hug. God, she's so much taller than i remembered. I stood up and gave her as tight of a hug as i could. Chiron walked in with Percy behind him, who looked terrified.

"Caspian, i believe now is a good time to show you your cabin." I let go of Annabeth and walked over.

"See you at dinner!" She said as we walked away. Chiron showed us the strawberry fields with these creatures called Satyrs, which is what Grover is. He showed us the campfire where we eat dinner around, he showed us the 12 cabins, one for each Olympian God. I saw Zues, Hera, Poseidon, and more, they were all built and colored to honor the gods. Ares was terrifying though, so i made a mental note not to start anything with them. (Which I would end up failing that later) We walked into the Hermes cabin, and you could easily tell who was his, and who wasn't. It was crowded and loud, but everyone stopped talking as we stood in the doorway.

The lost sister: A Caspian Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now