Safe at last! wait....

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We were the first Half-Bloods to come back alive since Luke. We wore laurel wreaths to a big feast and led a procession to the bonfire where we burned our burial shrines they made us. I cackled as I watched mine burn. I'm not going to describe Percy and I's because the Ares cabin made them- if that tells you anything. Annabeth's was gorgeous though! Grey with silver lacing and embroidered owls. Percy made a comment about not burring it and Annabeth punched him.

"CAN'T KILL ME, HUH?" I may have let out a couple curses, but I was happy. Luke walked up to me and hugged me. We sat down with Percy next to me, Annabeth next to him, and Grover next to Luke. Then our friends piled in, but i wasn't focused on them.

"You're back home. Safe." Luke smiled as he grabbed my hand. I smiled and felt safe for the first time since- well, forever, i guess. Even at Annabeth's father's house, I still didn't feel safe.

"You still owe me a date." I whispered. He nodded and smiled.

"Tomorrow night." Clarisse was staring at me with her cabin mates and i just gave her a precious view of my middle finger. She stopped laughing.


Percy and I adjusted into cabin three again, I had many beautiful dates with Luke (we started dating on June 27th), and my mother listened to Percy and I. She just sold a beautiful statue for lots of money and sent Percy and I a note. (Which i will not be talking about just how much time we spent trying to read.) At the bottom of the note, it said-

PS: Percy, I've found a good private school here in the city. I put a deposit down on a spot for you in case you enroll for seventh grade. You can come home or live year-round at camp half-blood.

I also put one in for Caspian. I talked to a few people and she's back under my custody and enrolled in seventh grade with you. Now, if she doesn't want to, that's okay- go ahead and stay at camp, but it's an option.

It's now the fourth of July and I have a date with Luke tonight to watch the fireworks in the woods. I recommended the beach, but he said it would be overly crowded because of the fireworks. We sat on a log.

"Caspian." I didn't turn to him.

"Hmm?" He said my name again, so i turned my head to look at him. He licked his lips then something in his eyes changed. "I love you; do you really want to go to the beach?" I laughed and shrugged, then he took my arm and dragged me to it. I saw Grover talking to Percy and Annabeth. I walked over to him. (Anyone notice anything, idk- suspicious?)

"Leaving so soon?" He turned around and hugged me as the first fireworks went off. We said our goodbyes and Luke and I had a double date with Annabeth and Percy. I went to bed that night, happy of everything that went down that day- peace was finally here.


It was now the last day of camp and Percy and I had an important decision to make. Stay at camp or go home to see our mom. We got our first beads on our camp necklaces that night; Luke putting mine on and I blushed when I saw what it was. A green-shimmering trident in the center of a black bead.

"The choice was unanimous. This bead commemorates the first son and daughter of the Sea God at this camp, and the quest they undertook into the darkest parts of the Underworld to prevent a war!" Everyone began cheering and Luke shouted.

"TO MY GIRLFRIEND AND PERCY!" I looked up at him as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I felt happy, warm- with the people I loved. Oh, how would that all change in less that 24 hours.

You shall be betrayed by one who you call a friend

Percy went to train to get his mind off our big decision that's due today whereas I went on a date with Luke. He wanted to have it in the woods so we could be by ourselves and naturally I agreed- my mistake was there. I was wearing a dress my friend Silena had given me; it was blue with pretty flowers on it and a low chest. She tried to convince me to leave my necklace off because it didn't match, but i was persistent that it stayed on. I let my hair down for once and let Silena style my bangs.

I was holding a blanket while Luke held the picnic basket, and I looked around.

"Hey, I think this is far enough away, Luke." I smiled, but he shook his head.

"No, I know a good spot- just up there." We walked and he pointed to a small opening. We were about five or ten minutes away from camp and I laid the blanket down. He put down the basket; sitting down while he did so, and I sat down next to him. After eating some strawberries and drinking some coke he managed to bring in; Luke stiffened next to me.

"Caspian?" I looked at him, putting the stem of the strawberry in the grass next to me- where i had put the past four strawberry tops. "I need you to listen to me before you freak out." I nodded- thinking he was going to tell me i had a bug on my dress or something; I would have preferred that. "I- I I'm working with Kronos- and-" I stood up, backing away from him, "I know how that sounds! But I did it for you! So, you could be safe! If you join us, he won't kill you. We could rule with him- together."

"You- you monster! I-I would never!" He looked at me with fear- was he scared of me? Or scared of the outcome? Maybe scared for me...

"Casp- Please?" I pulled my necklace off and my sword sprung out. I held it up and shouted.

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU TRAITOR!" He walked over to the tree next to me and picked something up. I couldn't see what it was until he swung it at me, "CRAP!" I rolled out of the way of his sword; it was half steel and half celestial bronze; a deadly sword for demigods. Not only could it kill demigods and monsters- but it could also now kill mortals.

"Please, Caspian! I don't want to hurt you!" I swung at his ankle, and he jumped back. I kept swinging, getting closer to him. He wasn't fighting, so I eventually pinned him with Tidalwave. I got close to his face and said between gritted teeth-

"Screw you and your lame excuses, Luke!" He looked at me and then down to my sword. I curled my lip and pushed my blade closer to his neck. He winced and stuttered.

"Then I'm sorry for this." I didn't know what he meant until I felt something cold in my stomach. Then- after just a second, it hit me, I felt a sharp, searing, burning pain in my abdomen. I screamed and fell back; realizing he had stabbed me. "There's a new golden age, and no children of the Sea God will be a part of it." I realized Percy would be his next target, so I pushed myself off of the ground- shaking and feeling a hot pain spread though my arms.

"GET AWAY! I-" I stumbled and leaned onto a tree; my vision felt off and my stomach was bleeding onto my hand, (which was clutched onto the hole).

"Poison- will kill you slowly and painfully- just how I would want for you." I got closer to the tree, now putting my whole body's weight on it as I rested my back against it.

"HELP ME! OVER HERE!" I screamed as Luke just watched, smiling. Then I remembered the bracelet he gave me; it would spring into a shield. I took my hand off my stomach and put it closer to my sword hand. The shield launched out and immediately flung to where we had set up the picnic.

"Oh yeah; about that!" He grinned, not fully telling me what's going on.

"Stay the HELL away from my brother!" I lunged and hit him right between his shoulder and his neck with my sword; giving him a thin slice between. He shouted and stumbled back, so I kicked him in the stomach. He groaned as his butt hit the dirt after he fell backwards. "I'll tell you just what I told Are-" The breath left my body and I fell back into the same tree as Luke grinned.

"The poisons hitting your heart. You have about two minutes until you pass out... let's see how well you keep up." He lunged and swung at me. I used my sword to block him and tried to see if there was any water nearby. I felt some mist on the grass, maybe I could gather enough to- Luke sliced and I slid to the side. I felt something skid down my skin, but the pain burned me immediately.

"T-Touch my brother-" Luke let out a menacing, truly evil laugh. I screamed and my vision fogged; the poison was about to knock me out.

"And all Hades will break loose? Yeah I'm sure, Water girl." I tried to climb away, but he grabbed my chin. "Goodbye, Love." A nickname he had deemed fit for me in early July. Then he threw my head back and ran to the beach.

"Help. Me." I crawled as I saw something move next to a tree and speak.

"Jackson? Oh gods!" Then i passed out. That's it. I'm dead- no water lady to save me this time. Daddy can't help me now. Hopefully Hades forgave me and will give me a good spot in the underworld.

The lost sister: A Caspian Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now