Me uncle 'lectures' me

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"Little cuz, you need to be careful. Most Gods aren't as forgiving as me." I glared at him and crossed my arms. I grabbed my necklace and thought about attacking him, but i realized that's what he wants. That's why I was so angry...

"Screw. You." I narrowed my eyes and bounced my leg. He laughed and the whole diner shook, then he leaned onto the table.

"Listen, little missy, you are lucky i don't turn you into a worm or something, because you are testing your luck right now. Your little boyfriend- Luke? Is that his name? He wouldn't want his girl to come home in a cage, now, would he? Mhm. That's what i thought." I leaned forward and glared at my glass of water. I felt a tug in my gut and the water went up in a straight line and splashed the god in the face, nearly putting out his fire eyes.

"Your godly hind doesn't know a thing about me, you think you do, but you don't. And if you aren't careful, you'll find out why I'm the freaking daughter of Poseidon." He glared at me and grabbed my shirt collar, his breath smelt like blood and i really wished i had a piece of gum for him.

"Your father knows when to stop talking, and you need to pick up on that. I'm a GOD! A God... you want me on your bad side? Just know there will be a cost for that, and it's not the cost you want." I spat in his face and ended up extinguishing one of his eyes for a second, until it lit back up.

"Bring it; I've seen your kids fight. And i beat them with a gaping hole in my thigh. If you think I'm scared of you, you're silly. Maybe go ask mommy Hera if it's okay to touch Percy, because i swear to the Gods; if you hurt him- all Hades will break loose, i swear on the river Styx." I felt a tug in my gut and the lights flickered. He looked around; eyes widening as he saw something behind me and threw me back into my seat. I turned around and saw a massive thing of water shaped into the words Watch out. I turned back to him, grinning and he glared at me, picking up a burger and taking a massive bite out of it. I gave him a fake smile and picked up a French fry, eating it. We sat in silence, eating and glaring at each other for about 20 minutes.

"Let's go." He stood up and picked up his sword; which was leaning against the table.

"No." He rolled his eyes and snapped. I felt like i was falling and the world was spinning, so i reluctantly closed my eyes. I opened them and i was Infront of my friends, Percy was angry.

"You knew it was a trap!" I tried to step away from the god, but he put his sword in front of me, glaring at Percy. Then he looked down to me and snarled.

"Pull something like that again, and you'll be lucky if i turn you into a worm." Then he lifted his sword up and let me walk over to Annabeth, who was shaking. I pulled her into a hug and ran my hands through her wet hair. Percy was dry, but Annabeth's clothes had water all over them.

"You're a jerk." Percy pushed the shield into Ares' hands, forcefully and Annabeth gasped as Grover bleated a little. Ares started telling Percy something about directions, but my attention wasn't on him, it was on the shaking girl in my arms.

"Beth, what happened?" She shivered and i rubbed her back as she pulled away. Then she stuttered and she tried to clean herself up.

"S-Spiders. So many." I almost laughed, but i remembered just how terrified she was and i felt terrible. Out of the corner of my eye, i watched Ares give Percy a backpack and glared at him, he saw me and i noticed he bit he lip; was he nervous? Percy walked over with Ares and i glared at Ares.

"You owe us one more thing, you promised me information on my mother." Ares got onto his motorcycle and started it up.

"You sure you can handle it?" With a quick glance at me, he continued, "She's not dead." I watched Percy sway as he tried his best to not pass out from the news. I personally don't believe Ares and his lies, so it didn't bother me. Percy muttered something under his breath that i didn't quite catch, but Ares did.

"I mean she was taken away from the Minotaur before she could die. She was turned into a shower of gold, right? That's metamorphosis; not death. She's being kept." I stepped Infront of Percy, as he tried to understand what Ares was saying.

"Kept? Why would she be 'kept'?" Ares laughed his stupid laugh and grinned at me, pulling a toothpick out of his mouth, that I assumed was from the diner.

"You need to study war, kelpie. Hostages, you take them to control somebody else." Percy finally came to his senses and looked at Ares with pure hatred.

"Nobody is controlling me." I was slightly thankful we weren't around a sustainable amount of water, in fear that Percy would try and drown the god.

"Oh yeah? See you around, punks." He balled up his fists and i glared at Ares. I tightened my ponytail and crossed my arms.

"You're pretty freaking smug, Ares. For a guy who runs away." He had already put his sunglasses back on, but i could see the fire glow brighter and brighter.

"We will meet again, Caspian Jackson, and you'll want to watch your back." I gave him the bird as he drove away, then i turned to Annabeth and Grover- who might i add, both had their mouths wide open. "What?" I looked at them, then Annabeth punched my arm.

"That was so stupid! That's what! You don't want a god as your enemy." I shrugged and looked at the three of them.

"He knows what I'll do if he tests me." I smirked as i thought about the god of war being terrified of a twelve-year-old girl with ADHD and Dyslexia.

The lost sister: A Caspian Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now