The Ocean is a good sleeping place

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I sat down on my bed and tried to sleep, but about three hours later, i looked at the clock and realized i wasn't going to fall asleep any time soon, so i snuck out. The cold breeze of the night blew through my hair and i pulled the blanket i dragged with me on tighter. I walked down to the beach and sat down with a grunt. Why couldn't my life be normal? Why? I layed back and stared at the stars; realizing I had never paid them any attention. Not like you could see them in Manhattan. I felt the ocean near me and smiled, maybe i wasn't like other 12-year-olds, but i liked it this way. I felt like my life had a purpose, and i fell asleep to that thought.

I woke up to someone shaking me and opened my eyes, i saw the sun rising over the ocean, but most importantly, Luke was shaking my arm and trying to wake me up. I groaned and pulled my blanket closer (if that was possible) Then, suddenly, the blanket was gone, seconds later, replaced by water surrounding me. THAT- DID HE? YES, HE DID! I shot up and looked at Luke with a menacing grin; two can play that game. I felt a tug in my gut as i focused on the water around me, then i heard a big flow of water.

"BOOM!" I yelled as i submerged Luke under my tornado-thingie. For a second, i was worried i had drowned him, and panicked. But I found him coughing out water on the shore.

"M-my bad." He coughed out as i helped him up. I went and grabbed my blanket, handing it to him so he wouldn't freeze, then (as he was shaking) he stuttered out-

"Ar-en't you c-cold?" I looked down and realized my shirt was a darker orange now from the water hitting it. I hadn't even realized that the water must have been cold. I shook my head.

"What were you doing out?" I asked him, just realizing that he was not usually awake yet. He looked at me and back at camp.

"Mr. D wanted to see you and Percy, but your bed was empty. I figured you would be by the water, watergirl." I groaned at the new nickname, not realizing i would hear a sea of ocean themed jokes. See what i did there? He laughed and put an arm around me, pulling the blanket over me too. It felt nice to have friends at camp, i never really made friends before. We walked to the big house and i saw Percy. I was shivering, but i think it was nerves because i was dry by the time i got there; Luke, however, looks like he took a shower in his clothes.

"Good Luck. Don't drown in his lectures." I wanted to punch his arm for yet another water joke, but he was too far away now. Percy moved and i noticed Grover was behind him, chewing on his shirt. Mr. D was playing Pinochle with Chiron and i really didn't want to interrupt their game.

"Well, well, well, our little celebrities. Peter Johnson and Casper Johanson." I turned around to see if he was talking to people behind us.

"Come closer, and don't expect me to bow to you, mortals, just because old barnacle beard is your father." I realized he was talking to us.

"Oh- um- my name's not-" His hand went in the air and Chiron rolled his eyes. Mr. D wouldn't look up from his cards as we slowly sat down. I heard Grover's feet hitting the ground as he trembled against the railing, how much did this guy scare him?

"If i had it my way, i would cause your molecules to erupt in flames. We'd sweep up the ashes and be done with a lot of trouble. But Chiron seems to feel this would be against my mission at this cursed camp: to keep you brats safe from harm." It was his mission to keep Percy and i safe? Or the whole camp?

"Spontaneous combustion is a form of harm, Mr. D." Chiron pitched in, but he ended up with a waving hand in his face.

"Nonsense. They wouldn't feel a thing... Nevertheless, I've agreed to restrain myself. I'm thinking of turning you into a barnacle or a little fish-" He pointed to Percy and then looked at me.

"And you a dolphin, send you back to your father." He smirked, but Chiron nudged him, causing him to drop his cards.

"Oh, alright. There's one more option, but it's deadly foolishness. Well, I'm off to Olympus!" I stood up, pushing the chair back suddenly.

"What- no you can't leave us on-" He picked up a card, flipped it, and disappeared. I slumped back into my chair. Stupid gods, thinking they own the place...

"What did you make of the hellhound attack, Percy?" Percy looked up from his hands and glanced at me before stuttering.

"I- It scared me. If you hadn't shot it, we'd be dead." He glanced at me, and Chiron signaled for my answer.

"It was freaking terrifying!" He nodded and looked down at his false lap.

"You will meet worse, far worse, before you are done." I looked up and could tell Percy was just as confused as me, before we are done? What?

"Done?" I started, then Percy decided to elaborate to Chiron for me. I started messing with my necklace, swinging the trident around.

"With what?" Chiron looked up as i heard Grover munching on something, so i glanced over. He was eating a tin can, by the time i turned back to Chiron, he had finished talking.

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