The big camp war!

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After dinner, we skipped the sing-along with the Apollo kids. A conch horn blew, and we all started screaming, clapping, just working ourselves up. Percy and i just followed what Luke and the rest of our cabin did. Annabeth ran in with two others; carrying a silver banner with an owl on it. My mouth fell open as Clarisse's group ran in with an identical red one, but it had a boar with a spear on it. Luke and Percy were yelling at each other, but i couldn't hear all the shouting. I walked closer and heard Percy yell.

"WHAT SIDE ARE WE ON?" Luke chuckled and pulled us closer, so he didn't have to scream.

"Tonight, we've made a temporary alliance with Athena, to get the Ares flag. And you two are going to help." All i could think was, well, duh! Of course we are going to help with it! But Chiron was announcing teams; on ours, we had Athena, Apollo, and of course; Hermes. Ares had the rest, but as i glanced around; the only kids i was worried about were Ares and Hephaestus.

"HEROES! You know the rules, the creek is the boundary line. The entire forest is fair game, and all magical items are allowed. The banner must be prominently displayed and have no more than TWO guards. Prisoners may be disarmed but may not be bound or gagged. No maiming or killing is allowed. I will serve as referee and battlefield medic. ARM YOURSELVES!" He used his hands and everything on the tables turned into weapons and armor. Luke dragged Percy and i over to the armor and grabbed ones that looked right for all of us. I struggled to put mine on, until Annabeth saw me struggling and walked over. She stared at me, trying to figure out what was wrong, and then chuckled. She got closer and unfastened a strap.

"You have to unstrap it first, dummy." I faked a giggle as she helped me get it on, then Luke put a massive helmet on my head and the world went dark.

"I CAN'T SEE!" Luke pulled it off and switched it for another one on the table. He seemed amused, but then walked over to the shields, i grabbed one that wasn't too big or small. Then, I felt a weight in my pocket and grabbed it; it almost felt like a necklace chain. Before i could get a good look at it; It turned into a sword!

"WHAT IN THE HADES!" I tried my best to clean my mouth as i shouted. I haven't heard a single kid curse, unless you count the curses Apollo's cabin had placed on the Dementor; all because they grew 'too many' flowers in the yard. Luke smirked and Percy seemed just as confused as me; we were all staring at the sword. It was almost identical to Percy's.

"Looks like your dad sent a gift." I smiled as i moved it around; the sunlight hit it in all the right places. I looked around and muttered a small thank you.

"BLUE TEAM! FOREWARD!" We all ran to Annabeth as she began to march into the forest. She was leading us, but i stayed behind Luke as Percy ran up to her.

"He's so going to get himself killed..." I muttered, then Luke told me that Annabeth was planning something, and Percy was going to be the distraction. She wanted me to stay out of the way so i wouldn't get hurt. I shook my head.

"Nope. I'm coming with you." He laughed, and i bet he knew i was going with him one way or another. So, i followed as the horn blew to signal the game beginning. Luke started running with a couple other guys, so i followed.

"Caspian, stay with us, don't stray far. It can get dangerous out here." He said as i started trailing behind. I was panting as i kept the grip on my sword wishing it would go back into the chain it was before. I nodded and ran to catch up to them. We had been running for a while and i fell behind, far behind.

They were way ahead of me, to the point where i couldn't see them anymore, or for that matter- hear them.

"Look what we've got here." I heard a voice behind me; my stomach twisted as i realized it wasn't Luke. I turned around with my sword raised; a couple kids from the Ares cabin had surrounded me. And by a couple; i meant seven... yup, fun!

The lost sister: A Caspian Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now