Three evil math teachers attack us.

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About 40 minutes later, we arrived in Manhattan and got out of the car; grabbing our bags out of the back. I threw my backpack on as Percy walked over to a poll, ripping a paper off. Percy stared down the road with longing (God, i hate that word; stupid hydra hurting Bucky) and Grover walked over to him. I was standing in the rain, but Annabeth pulled me by my backpack to a dry spot.

"Just because you love the water, doesn't mean you can't get a cold, Casp." I smiled as i felt like i was being lectured by a teacher for coming to school without a coat in the middle of winter.

"You want to know why she married him, Percy?" Percy stared at him in shock and confusion.

"Were you reading my mind or something?" Grover shrugged and looked at Percy.

"Just your emotions." Percy nodded skeptically as Grover decided to continue before Percy said something dumb; which he tended to do.

"She married him for you. You call him 'smelly' but you've got no idea. The guy has this aura... YUCK. I can smell him from here." He rubbed his nose and sneezed; then continued, "You should be grateful, Percy. Your stepfather smells so repulsively human he could mask the presence of any demigod. As soon as I took a whiff inside his Camaro, I knew: Gabe has been covering your scent for years. If you hadn't lived with him every summer, you probably would've been found by monsters a long time ago. Your mom stayed with him to protect you. She was a smart lady. She must've loved you a lot to put up with that guy—if that makes you feel any better." He smiled and i looked down. I hate that there's nothing i can do to comfort him.

"Caspian; you know the only reason she separated you from Percy was because Poseidon warned her it wouldn't be safe to have such powerful half-bloods in the same place. She wanted you and Percy to grow up together, but Poseidon took you." Then Annabeth took over the conversation, which i had no idea she knew so much about my life. I swung the trident around on my necklace and looked at her.

"He gave you to Athena; as a gift to 'apologize' for getting caught in her temple. She didn't accept, then she decided to give you and i to my father." Great, so nobody wants me. What a great thing to learn about yourself before a big quest. We ran to the bus stop and sat on the bench; i was wedged between Annabeth and Grover, and we were all throwing an apple, waiting. Annabeth even bounced the apple along her shoulder, knee, almost anything. Percy wasn't too bad, but i was terrible. I tried to bounce it on my knee and ended up bouncing it straight into Grover's mouth. He tried so hard to apologize, but i was laughing so hard, i fell into Annabeth. Finally, the bus came, and Annabeth did not want me next to her; in fear i would throw myself to her side. So, she placed me next to the window, then Percy, then Grover, then her. Grover started sniffing around and Percy stared at him.

"What is it?" Grover was tense, which made me reach for my necklace and hold onto it; ready to rip it off in case. I saw my bracelet on my wrist and was prepared to hit that, but i doubted there was room on the bus.

"I don't know, maybe it's nothing?" Percy looked over his shoulder for the rest of the time we waited for the bus to leave. He settled down once we pulled away, and Annabeth kept hitting her cap against her knee. I closed my eyes again, wishing i had slept last night, more than a few hours on the beach. Also, little note, sand is not a comfortable bed. I heard Annabeth and Percy talking, but i didn't listen until i felt Percy suddenly grab my shirt and pull me down. I looked up and saw that crazy lady who tried to kill me on the other bus with two others who looked like her. They had their legs across the aisle and i got the memo; nobody leaves. Percy looked at one of the sisters and was terrified.

"She didn't stay dead very long. I thought you said they could be dispelled for a lifetime." He whispered, turning to Annabeth. She scoffed and i think she may have hit Percy, because he retracted his shoulder with a hiss.

The lost sister: A Caspian Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now