DUDE! I almost died! Almost death count: 4

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*very short chapter ahead! Just so next chapter can have its own events*

"Casp- Casp, can you hear me? She needs Ambrosa!" I felt myself using my good hand to lazily reach into my back pocket, pulling out a Ziploc bag of something. Percy gasped and it echoed throughout my brain. Another hand landed on my shoulder and i heard them talking with Percy in a panicked voice. Someone put something in my mouth and i slowly chewed, trying to ignore the pain shooting through my body. My vision was clearing up, the burning pains went away, the ringing faded, and the horrible pain in my ankle eased into a pinching sensation. I looked around and saw Grover shivering near a tree muttering about 'the three kindly ones', but to me, they weren't kind at all.

"Can you walk?" Annabeth asked and i nodded. Percy and Beth pulled me up and i tried to put pressure on my ankle, and it hurt, but i just kept going; limping my way through the forest. Percy seemed to be in shock as well and was kicking sticks here and there.

"All our money. Our clothes, food- everything." Percy was panicking a little, so i grabbed his shoulder and told him it was okay, but apparently Annabeth didn't agree that it WAS okay.

"Well maybe if you two hadn't jumped into the fight." I stopped walking, but Grover ran into me, causing me to start walking again. Percy wasn't going to let Annabeth win an argument, so he spoke up for us.

"What did you want us to do? Let you get killed?" She huffed and pushed her hair off her shoulder, i couldn't help but agree with Percy.

"You didn't need to protect us, Percy. Caspian got hurt, she could have died!" Percy gave up on the arguing; apparently i was too much of an asset or something to them. We continued walking through the woods, when Annabeth took a deep breath and spoke up.

"Look, I..." Her voice faltered, "I appreciate your coming back for us, okay? It was brave. It's just if we lost you... then we'd have to go back to camp and no more quests for us! And if Caspian died- i-i don't know what would happen. She's too important." I smiled as she tried to make Percy laugh, succeeding after he let out an exhausted breath. Annabeth and Percy began having another conversation, but i was zoned out, and to be honest; i can't remember for the life of me what i was thinking about. I was pulled out of my world by a screaming owl- or so i thought, until i realized it was Grover playing something on his reed pipes.

"Hey, my reed pipes still work! If i could just remember the 'find path' song, we could get out of these woods!" He started playing a song, but instead of finding a path, Percy ran right into a tree branch. Annabeth and i broke out into a fit of laughter as we helped Percy up off the ground; which i don't even understand how he ended up on the ground. We walked for a while longer when we saw a big glowing sign.

"Look!" I pointed and we all took off running towards the sign. As we got closer, i could smell the fatty burgers cooking inside and realized i was STARVING! The sign was in cursive and what i made of the glowy sign of death was, UYTNA SME NDAREG IOPMUMER, which Grover translated for the group of severely dyslexic kids.

"Aunty Em's Garden Emporium." The front of the store had garden gnomes, but they were life sized. Whoever did these has amazing craftsmanship! We walked inside and Grover bleated, suddenly.

"BA-HAH-AH- Looks like my Uncle Ferdinand!" I looked at it and smiled, the person who made these must be a half-blood! "We should leave! I smell monsters!" I shook my head.

"Your nose is all clogged up from the furies." Annabeth told him; THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE CALLED!? FURIES? I patted Grover's shoulder and looked at him.

"All i smell is burgers, aren't you hungry?" That upset him even more, so he yelled at me.

The lost sister: A Caspian Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now