Yuck Fou, Hades

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We walked through the fields i saw earlier and i kept an eye out for that girl, but it was hard. Dead people were difficult to look at with their angry faces and the sickly pale look. I locked eyes with the girl, and she ran over to me.

"Mom? Have you seen my mom?" I shook my head and looked around. The girl grabbed my arms and looked at me. "Can you talk?" She didn't seem right- like most dead people.

"I- What's your name?" Was all i could manage out, as the girl shook me, trying to figure me out.

"Hazel... you're not dead, are you?" I shook my head and looked Hazel in the eyes. She looked terrified and lost, making me really wish i knew where her mom was.

"No. No, I'm not. Hazel, I need you to act like none of this happened. I'll find your mom, i promise." She let go of me and turned around, muttering about something. It sounded like Gaea, but i wasn't sure. Percy grabbed my arm and glared at Hazel, looking angry, and from behind me i heard Alpine yell some things in French that made me concerned. The look on Hazel's face told me, she also did not speak French. "Goodbye Hazel; I'll see you again." She smiled and waved as Percy pulled me away. On our walk, Annabeth and Grover took turns lecturing me, while Alpine butted in.

"You shouldn't have done that. Promise the dead something? How? Even IF we survive Hades, we still have a slim chance of getting back to Camp." I tuned her out and thought about Hazel's face until I heard a massive screech and looked up. The furies had surrounded us in the sky.

"I suppose it's too late for us to turn back?" Grover said, staring at the sky. Can you call it the sky? I don't know...

"We'll be okay." Percy tried his best to comfort the satyr, but it didn't work. Percy seemed terrified, which startled me a little- you see; he's the stupid one that isn't scared of most things, so this was new territory. Suddenly Grover yelped and his shoes sprouted wings. He landed flat on his back and was being dragged through the sand.

"GROVER! Stop playing around." Annabeth lectured, but i glanced nervously at her.

"Beth... I don't think-" Grover began screaming as his shoes lifted him into the air. He tried to scream Maia, but nothing happened.

"NINE-ONE-ONE! HELP!" I got over my shock and began sprinting towards him, hearing Percy not too far behind.

"GROVER STOP! MAIA!" I screamed, trying to catch up to the flying goat-boy. He began going downhill and Annabeth shouted something about untying the shoes, "YEAH! GROVER; UNTIE THEM! UNTIE THE SHOES!" I shouted as loud as i could. I guess that it's not as easy as it sounds to do while your shoes are flying you away, because Grover couldn't reach them. We were catching up, until the shoes took a sharp right turn and i made eye contact with Grover as he zipped by.

"GROVER!" Percy shouted as he was the first to change direction. Suddenly, we ran into what seemed like a cave. Percy's voice echoed as he told Grover to hold onto something; but it just isn't that easy when you're flying away from everything you could hold onto. The cave got colder, but i couldn't do anything except keep on running after Grover. I heard a noise and Alpine rushed in front of us as a cat; gaining speed and catching up to Grover. Percy stopped abruptly and i ran straight into him, but he was like a brick wall. I regained myself and looked ahead at what he was staring at.

It was the place from our nightmare.

The place the voice spoke to us.

The place i was told i could save Luke.

"C'MON GUYS!" Annabeth screamed, barreling past us. Percy stuttered; trying to tell her what we both were thinking. "I KNOW! The place you described in your dream, but Grover's going to fall if we don't catch him!" Alpine meowed; jumping in the air, grabbing Grover's foot. That did nothing but begin to drag them both slowly into the pit. The three of us never would have made it in time; but Alpine and Grover managed to work together. You see- Grover pulled his hooves away as Alpine stuck his claws into one shoe at a time (keeping one paw on Grover's shorts). The shoes kept flying as they landed with a thud in the sand; Alpine turning back into a human. We ran to them and dragged them away from the ledge (as they were roughly ten feet away). We all collapsed; panting. My legs felt like- well, i couldn't really feel them at this point.

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