A creepy guy hurts my friends, and i get 'kidnapped'.

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"No gift comes without a price." Annabeth grimaced as she carefully brushed her hand against them. Percy shrugged and looked around, trying not to upset her.

"They were free." Annabeth shook her head.

"'There is no such thing as free lunch' That's an ancient Greek saying that translated pretty well into American. There will be a price, you wait." And with that, we turned away from the sea. Percy pulled some money out of his bag from Ares and got us a bus to West Hollywood. The driver looked at us and squinted.

"You remind me of somebody i saw on TV." He squinted and my heartrate picked up. I quickly thought of a reason and stuttered it out.

"I- We- stunt doubles." The bus driver didn't seem to have that big of a brain, because he just nodded and let us on. We got off quickly at the next stop, wandering for what felt like miles on foot. Twice; twice we had ducked into alleyways to get away from the cops. Percy froze once while we were walking, so i looked in the window that he was staring through. Smelly Gabe- Percy's stepfather was crying on a screen.

"Honest, Ms. Walters, if it wasn't for sugar here, my grief counselor-" I wanted to punch the screen- this man was already over my mother? I had only known her for a couple of hours, but she deserved the world. And i would give anything to give it to her.

"I'd be a wreck. My stepson and that girl took everything I cared about. My wife... my Camero..." His voice broke- but only after he said the stupid car.

"I'm sorry. I- I have trouble talking about it." The woman changed the camera to herself. She was standing in Percy's trashed kitchen- it had beer cans everywhere, moldy plates piled up in the sink, and the picture i had seen of Percy- it was shattered.

"There you have it, America. A man torn apart, an adolescent boy with serious issues, and a runaway girl with multiple disorders. Let me show you, again, the last photo of these troubled children, taken a week ago in Denver." The screen cut to a grainy picture of all of us. "Who are the other two? Percy and Caspian Jackson are standing in the front; the two in the back are unknown. Percy and Caspian Jackson are terrorists? Delinquents? Or are they brainwashed children of a frightening new cult? When we come back, we chat with a child phycologist." I felt a tear in my eye. I was angry and hurt.

"Let's go." Grover grabbed our arms and i wanted to pull away and punch the screen. Who does this woman think she is? I don't have multiple disorders and Percy doesn't have serious issues! The sun had fully set and i saw gangs everywhere. I forced Percy to walk in the front, then Annabeth, then me, then Grover. I held Annabeth's hand because i was terrified. Which made me laugh a little under my breath.

"What?" Annabeth asked as I looked back ahead.

"Nothing- I- I'm scared of gangs, but not the God of war? That's some crazy type of shi-" Someone interrupted me from the ally-way.

"Hey you!" Of course, Percy stopped. Within seconds, we were surrounded by six guys- which if you do the math; is not good for us. They were clearly rich and i wanted to know why they were jumping four homeless looking kids. Percy uncapped his sword and Annabeth pulled me back. Five of the guys backed up; so they MUST have seen some sort of weapon, but the leader stepped forward. Percy swung; the kid screamed. But nothing happened, the kid was 100% mortal. Now i knew we were screwed.

"RUN!" Annabeth shouted. I turned and sprinted the other way, hearing screams of the gang behind me. I kept pace with Annabeth pretty well! Then we turned a corner, and a guy grabbed me. Annabeth turned around and i screamed.

"GO!" Percy grabbed her hand and dragged her into st'rycus tewar dbe alpcae. Grover shouted something, but the guy wrapped his arm around me, so i was forced back into this fight.

"Look what a caught!" He moved so my arms were pinned behind my back and i let out a cried out. He laughed and i decided to try and scare them; like i had Ares.

"Listen buddy-" He shoved me to the ground and i got a mouthful of dirt. I was going to roll over, but they began to kick me. I reached for a leg, but they kicked my hand and i heard a snap. A painful scream was heard near me and i realized- it WAS me.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" I heard someone shout, but i didn't recognize the voice. I heard a hiss and then the kicking stopped, followed by the leader shouting.

"RETREAT! GO, GO, GO!" Then someone said my name, so i rolled over. I didn't recognize the guy in front of me- grey eyes, white hair, pale skin, and a cat-like jawline. He smiled and his K-9's looked like animal teeth, super sharp, like they could tear apart anything it wanted.

"Get lost." I spit out the blood from my mouth as i tried to get up. The guy smiled and scratched the back of his neck, i noticed his shirt said something like, 'Protect the earth from humans' and i thought this guy may be a Saytr, but he was wearing shorts; no hooves, just super hairy legs.

"Me-ow, is that how you treat an old friend, Casp?" I looked up; an old friend? I had never met this kid in my life. He stared at my facial expression, then spoke up again.

"Here, I'll give you a hint- I always took your hair ties." I thought for a moment and the only thing i could think of was my cat; Alpine. Then i scanned the kid, again; well he wasn't a kid, he looked middle aged. It slowly clicked in my brain and i stepped closer to the guy.

"Alpine?" He smiled and licked his sharp tooth- weird. He then nodded and grabbed my hand.

"It's good to see you, too. Let's go help your friends." He suddenly turned into a cat, my cat. Then he ran to the door of the shop. I saw Annabeth trapped on a bed aswell as Grover, they were screaming in pain and Percy looked around, terrified. A creepy old guy was approaching them with a sinister smile. I knew he was bad, so i kicked the door open, Alpine running in to hide somewhere incase he was needed.

"HEY! GET AWAY FROM MY BROTHER YOU OLD MAN!" He looked towards me as i pulled my necklace off, spouting my beautiful sword out. I swung as the old guy ducked, but he fell onto a bed, causing Percy to shout something i didn't understand.

"ERGO!" He snapped. Blankets dragged the guy up to the headrest and I walked up to him.

"I suppose you know who i am, so I'm only going to say this once- do. Not. Touch. My friends." I sliced his head clean off, and his body faded, but his head rolled to my feet. I heard Annabeth scream and went to help her, but Alpine was standing over her, using his nails to slice the rope clean off. She stood up and Grover walked over to Alpine.

"Took you long enough! How hard is it for a Satyr to get decent help?" Grover whined as Alpine glared at him.

"Oh, hush, i saved the three of you and possibly Perceus. I am too sophisticated to let a goat tell me off." I had a feeling that Grover and Alpine didn't get along, so i walked to Annabeth as i watched her smack Percy's head. Then, she turned to me and gestured to Alpine and mouthed 'who's he?' I walked up to her and told her i would explain later. Percy then started walking away, telling us to follow him.

"Give us a minute! We were almost stretched to death." Grover whined and Alpine let out a fancy chuckle. Using his hand like it was a paw, placing it on his chest.

"You look younger, maybe you should try again." I glared at Alpine and wanted to grab both their ears like a mother and force them to apologize.

"Alpine, enough." Percy turned back to me, then to Alpine, then to me, then to Alpine. His eyes widened as realization dawned upon him.

"That's your cat? The one i left at my apartment?" Alpine walked up to Percy and seemed upset.

"You left me with that smelly man! He used the food money for lottery tickets! I HATE THAT MAN!" Alpine clearly had a passion against Gabe too. I smiled and looked around at my four friends.

"Welcome to the club." Alpine got along with Annabeth, and he didn't mind Percy, but the whole walk down the block was filled with Grover and Alpine bickering. The number of times i had to break up a 'catfight' was making me upset.

The lost sister: A Caspian Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now