I accidentally do drugs

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Summary of last chapter: It's like the book; they free the animals. Before that, Caspian got really sick and delirious for a second. Now they arrived at the Lotus Casino

We walked into our room and i tried to ignore the weird looks from people, i knew i looked strange. Percy had my bag because apparently i looked like i was going to pass out. Annabeth found the bathroom and told me to shower and throw my clothes away, they had a ton in our size in the closet. I watched Percy throw the bag from Ares in the trash as he flopped onto a bed. I laughed a little and walked to the bathroom.

I got in the shower and washed the day off me and scrubbed my legs to get all the vomit off, which made me want to throw up again. Somehow i had gotten it in my hair, so i washed it twice. It was strange; they had Ocean Breeze shampoo and conditioner, but i loved it. I scrubbed the soap and rinsed it, doing it another time to be safe. I turned the water off, getting out.

I found a bra, underwear, and biker shorts with a note (that i deciphered rather quickly) on the counter. Come pick out clothes when you're done, i kicked Percy and Grover out. I stepped out into the room and walked to the closet, looking at all the clothes. I found some cute jeans and a sweater that was blue and had a darker blue strip across my chest. I grabbed my hair-tie off the bathroom counter and found a hairbrush in my bag. I did my hair and put on some fresh converse they had placed in there, in my size. I was sad to throw away my Marvel shoes, but they had been through it. Annabeth walked by me to get in the shower and told me Percy said he would wait by the door. I opened the door and Percy jumped out at me.

"HOLY POSEIDON!" I screamed and jumped back. He broke out in laughter as i slapped his arm. "THAT WAS NOT FUNNY, PERCY! I COULD'VE HAD A HEART ATTACK!" He fell into the wall, laughing as tried to catch his breath. I just started walking down the hall, then he ran up to me and grabbed my shoulder.

"LET'S GO BUNGIE JUMP!" We raced down the stairs, and Percy was much faster than me. A lady stopped us, and i thought for sure we had been caught, but she held out her tray with beautiful cookies on it.

"Cookie?" I nodded and took one, then another, then Percy and i had eaten her whole tray. I felt great and Percy looked at me. I saw crumbs on his face and broke out laughing, then we skipped over to the bungie jumping guy.

"HIYA! Can we uh- can we bungie jump Mr. Bungiman?" I giggled as he strapped me in and Percy next to me. I turned to Percy in a position ready to jump, with a huge smile on my face.

"READY!?" We laughed and i jumped down. I screamed as I fell, but not the scared way. We jumped a few more times and ran off to do more games. I was on VR playing a horror game and something touched my shoulder, I screamed as I took off the headset immediately. Some guy who had blonde hair and blue eyes was staring at me, I squinted, "I'm sorry, do i know you?" A girl with brown hair looked at me and i recognized her grey eyes, but i couldn't place a name. How strange. I couldn't care less, i wanted to get back to my game.

"Caspian, what are you doing?" I turned to the kid and the girl looked at him too, with a worried look.

"Percy, how many cookies did she eat?" The kid, 'Percy' shrugged and told her five or six. She looked back at me and muttered something to the other kid. Then the boy stared at me with a testing look in his eyes.

"Clowns with big red noses." I shivered, glancing at Annabeth as I looked around.

"Wh- How? W-" Percy grabbed one hand and she grabbed the other. I was so confused as they pulled me towards Grover, and we found him playing a virtual deer hunter game. We all looked at Grover and shouted his name.

"Die human! Die, silly polluting, nasty person!" Grover swung around his plastic gun as he screamed. Percy glanced at Annabeth and nodded, then they grabbed his arms and dragged him. Grover's shoes sprouted wings and tried to drag him away from my brother and Annabeth.

"Maia!" I shouted and the shoes' wings sunk back into the sole. As we walked out the door, the smell of food got stronger and i really wanted to go eat one more cookie; it was so nice! But we busted through the doors. We ran down the street and my head was spinning; what's happening? Why don't i remember much?

That's my brother- Percy... Percy Jackson. And my best friend, An-Annabeth Chase. My mom- Sally- Sally Jackson! I looked around and felt less messed up than earlier. It was humid outside with overcast weather. I glanced at Percy's shoulder, and the bag Ares had given him was back on it. Didn't he throw it away? Percy ran to a newspaper stand, and his eyes went wide when he looked at the date.

"F-Five days? Five days..." I looked at Annabeth and Grover with wide eyes.

"Wh-what- Beth, what does he mean?" She walked over next to him and i watched as her face dropped.

"We were in there for five days..." I laughed and walked over, looking over the top of the paper, catching the number 20. My stomach dropped; we only had one day until the solstice.

The lost sister: A Caspian Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now