I may have made an enemy, but I made three new friends

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We got into the truck, and the first thing that hit me was the smell. I gagged as i walked around the truck as Grover helped Percy shut the door. I put my shirt over my nose and heard Percy open Riptide, so we could see. There were three animals in front of us: a zebra, an albino lion, and an antelope looking thing. The lion had a wad of turnips, the zebra and antelope both had hamburger meat. My stomach jumped and i felt a wave of nausea come over me and I stumbled a little.

"This is kindness? HUMANE ZOO TRANSPORT!" Grover yelled as the truck started. Which I'm glad it did, because i figured he would go and beat the drivers up. They dragged me over to the pile of milkweed feed sacks. I layed my head on Percy's shoulder and closed my eyes; my head was pounding and i was on the verge of throwing up all the food i ate earlier.

"You alright Casp?" I mumbled a small 'no' and Percy put a hand to my head.

"You're pretty hot, are you sick?" I weakly adjusted my shirt to cover my nose better. Annabeth spoke up from next to me, and I jumped not expecting her to talk. My stomach did a flip and i got up, quickly and ran to the other side of the truck. I found an empty milkweed sack and let out all the food I ate. I felt a hand rubbing my back as i threw up. I groaned and sat down in my corner, hoping the person wouldn't vomit too.

"Casp? Oh gods, you look green." Annabeth said, helping me sit down. I weakly smiled and covered my nose again, trying not to make myself any sicker from this ride. I heard someone walk over and a pair of hooves, then realized it was Grover and Percy.

"Guys- I'm fine, just-" I gagged as i tried to talk, so i gave up and threw my head back in frustration. I closed my eyes and tried to think about things to calm myself down, throwing up sucks; but the adrenaline your body produces after; it's possibly worse. The ocean... think about the ocean. Dad and mom; maybe if we get Sally back, then i can live with her- be happy and safe and healthy. I fell asleep to those thoughts and hoped this ride didn't last too long.

ANNABETH'S POV: I know! It's different, but it's very important that it's another POV for this part.

*Also- side note: This part is gross, so if you want to skip it, I'll do a summary at the beginning of next chapter. *

I watched as Caspian opened her eyes, but something seemed off. She leaned forward and threw up on the ground and all over herself. Her eyes were distant, and I got up and walked over to her; grabbing her arm to steady her as she shook.

"Casp, how are you feeling?" She didn't even look at me as she kept gagging. I turned behind myself and looked at Percy with a worried look on my face, he got up and walked over to us. He crouched down next to his sister and brushed her hair off her face. She had thrown up on her socks, legs, and her hands- I wished that we had a vent. It was warm, humid, and now smelt like Caspian's dinner. But i couldn't worry about that as Caspian slumped back against the wall she was on. I turned to Percy, and he shrugged, staring at Caspian with worry. He pushed his blonde hair out of his face and leaned back against the wall closest to him.

"We need to keep an eye on her. I'll take first watch." I looked around and couldn't decide what to do. How do i help her? I just nodded and walked back over to Grover and crouched down next to his, running a hand through my hair as i exhaled deeply.

"She'll be okay." Grover smiled, and i looked at him, confused. He pointed to Caspian and spoke up again, "You're worried about her. She's been through a lot, but she's strong- she is a kid of one of the strongest gods. She's one of the bravest heroes that I have ever met..." I smiled and looked back at my best friend; hoping she would be okay.


I sat up and looked around, something smelt awful. My head pounded as i tried to look around, but i noticed Annabeth was crouched next to me; with a hand on my shoulder. My stomach was still upset, but i had nothing left to let go of, so i wasn't worried. I looked at my legs and saw throw up all over them, i turned away and gagged.

"Oh Gods, that's disgusting!" I hit my head against the wall and heard Annabeth let out a breath that could have been a laugh. The truck stopped and i looked around, Percy and Grover were by the door.

"They're coming!" Percy looked around and i heard a voice in my head; Jesus that sounds like I'm going crazy!

"Please save us, lords. Please." I looked around and noticed the Zebra looking at me. I squinted and looked at it with a confused look, "Yeah, me! Save me, please, lords!" I looked at Percy and he nodded.

"They need our help; we have to free them." So, we did. They opened the door and at the same time, Percy and i left the antelope out along with the Zebra. They ran out into the street as Grover gave them a blessing of the wild. Then we let the lion out, and the guards were so busy trying to catch them, they didn't notice us. Annabeth dragged us to this massive place with a Lotus flower on it.

"Oh! Welcome to the Lotus Casino, we've been waiting for you!" She shoved cards in our hands and Percy asked how much was on them and she just laughed, telling us our room number.

The lost sister: A Caspian Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now