My dream came true, and he bought us- cheeseburgers?

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We walked into a random diner and sat down. Percy sat on the inside this time, and i sat on the outside. Annabeth and Grover were looking at the menu and i whispered.

"Guys, this looks like the place from one of my dreams." Annabeth shrugged and i looked around. The waitress walked over with a crooked smile and a nametag that was not pinned on her dress properly.

"Well?" She smacked her gum and oh GODS, DID I WANT TO PUNCH HER! But i didn't, Percy looked at her and stated the very obvious, obvious.

"We want to order dinner." He looked at me and back to the waitress who smacked her gum and i wondered if her red lipstick would look nice on my fist. I narrowed my eyes as she looked down at me, her false eyelashes hung on by the littlest dab of glue.

"You kids have money to pay for it?" Her big earrings moved as she aggressively began to chew her gum. I scoffed and looked at Annabeth and Grover with the hope they would come up with a good excuse. Grover was sweating and looked at the tin napkin canister, i thought he was about to eat it from the way he stared. Percy was about to say something when the door opened, and everyone turned. When i say everyone; i mean the entire diner stopped talking and stared at this man. The big man with the sunglasses from my dream... no way it was actually Ares. The woman looked back at us.

"You kids have money to pay for it?" Again... her earring moved and i just wanted to grab her stupid gum out of her mouth and shove it so far up her-

"It's on me." The guy said and pulled up a chair to the end of our table, sitting the back infront of him to lean on. He looked at the waitress whose jaw was wide open and i laughed, the guy glanced at me, chuckled, and turned to her.

"You still here?" She closed her mouth and nodded quickly, turning around to walk back into the kitchen. I looked back at Percy and he had the meanest glare i had ever seen, and his fist was curled up. I looked back at the guy and suddenly felt a rush of anger. Who was this guy to come and boss everyone around? I felt angry, and the urge to punch a wall, because he just walked up into here.. He grinned; a menacing grin and spoke up. Staring at Percy and I only now.

"Your old seaweed's kiddos, aren't ya?" Percy seemed angrier than me, and i was angry. Just like my dream... I turned to Percy as he snapped at the guy.

"What's it to you?" Behind the guy's sunglasses, a red hue became brighter. Annabeth went to tell him to shut up, but the guy interrupted her.

"I don't mind a little attitude. Long as you remember who's the boss-" I interrupted, which i immediately regreted; seeing the red get brighter, then die down. This was exactly like my dream.

"Who's the boss and who are you!? Because you certainly aren't my boss." Annabeth grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the guy's face. UGH i just wanted to punch him right in the wicked sneer. Then he answered, smirking at Annabeth's grip on my arm and i mouthed exactly what he was going to say.

"You know who i am, little cousins. Is she mocking me?" I smirked as Ares (The god of war) glared at me (I think). I was going to say something, but Percy beat me to it. Annabeth covered my mouth from across the table, so i wouldn't make him angrier.

"You're Clarisse's dad. Ares, God of war." My eyes narrowed as i watched him take off his glasses, and that 'red' hue was fire. He had fire instead of eyes. Just. Like. My. Dream...

"That's right, you broke Clarisse's spear." He growled and i felt terrified; like my dream. Except now i didn't know what was going to happen. Maybe i had pushed too much, maybe i was about to die. I bit Annabeth's hand and she pulled it away immediately.

"She deserved it." I growled as i tried my best to seem intimidating, but i do realize how stupid that was. I'm a 12-year-old and he's a- what? 3'000-year-old God, if not more. He picked at the dirt under his nails and put his feet on the table.

"Probably. That's cool. I don't fight my kids fights- you know. I heard you were in town, and I've got a proposition for you." I was going to say we didn't want it, but then the waitress came out with cheeseburgers, fries, milkshakes, and onion rings. It reminded me of Aunty Em, but i was so hungry... Ares nodded towards the food and Grover grabbed an onion ring; immediately swallowing it in one bite. I hesitantly grabbed a burger and took a bite out of it.

"I need you to do me a favor." I wiped my face off and swallowed, looking at Ares who picked up a French Fry.

"What favor could a God need? Do it yourself." Annabeth kicked my shin under the table and yelped. Ares' eye got brighter, and he smirked, shrugging as if it were normal for people to do favors for gods.

"Why don't i turn you into a prairie dog and run you over with my Harley? I don't feel like it! It's nothing much, i left my shield at a waterpark here in town. I was on a little... date with my girlfriend. We were interrupted; i left my shield behind and i want you to fetch it for me!" I narrowed my eyes and did exactly what Ares did- picked the dirt out of my nailbeds and shrugged.

"We're not interested, do it yourself. We've already got a big quest, stupid." Should i have called the god of war stupid? No... but it was whatever at this point. I investigated his 'eyes' and saw war, blood, a battlefield. Dead people scattered everywhere.

"I know all about your quest, punk. When that item was first stolen, Zeus sent his best to look for it; Apollo, Athena, Artemis, and me-" All A's, that's so weird to me... "I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, your dad and i go way back." I really wanted to say 'then go back' but i knew better, plus i was scared Annabeth would hit me. She's really mean...

"Thanks..." Percy muttered and i realized i had tuned them out for just a second. Jesus, gods, ADHD is going to be the death of me.

"Hey, I'm a generous guy, just do my little job and I'll help you on your way. I'll even arrange a ride west for you and your friends- and her- i guess." He glared and me and i gave him the finger, rolling my eyes. *AUTHORS NOTE: Caspian doesn't give two craps and honestly, she's a queen for that*

"We're doing fine on our own." Annabeth smiled, politely, trying not to make it worse.

"Yeah right, no money, no wheels, no clue what you're up against, and these two are wanted. Help me out and maybe I'll tell you something to help you out. Something about your mommy." He looked at Percy and i. Annabeth stepped on my foot, making sure i didn't say anything, especially if he had news about my mom.

"Mom?" Percy said as i glared at the God. Ares grinned with his pearly white teeth and i absent mindedly thought about dentists on Olympus. Do Gods have dentists? I can't imagine cleaning Zeus' teeth.

"Hera is being so unsessesary! Just because- HEY!" The dentist poked his teeth and flinched when Zeus yelled.

"Lord Zeus, you have a cavity." He calmly said, trying to coax the God to calm down.

"Nonsense." Flicks his hand and kills him.

"I will keep Kelp-girl while you go to the waterpark." Ares put a hand on my shoulder, and it took all my mental strength not to punch the daylights out of him. Annabeth stood up out of her seat.

"No! I'll stay!" Ares laughed and sat correctly in his chair again, glaring at Annabeth.

"I'm not sending little water-girl here, down there with you because she and i need to have a talk. Plus: two seaweed-headed kids at a waterpark? Not a great idea, Wise girl." Annabeth's face turned red when Ares said it, and i could tell it wasn't meant the way it is with Percy. She likes it when he calls her it, not anyone else, and i respected that, it was the same way with Luke saying Water-girl. He snapped and they disappeared, leaving me and the god by ourselves. Ares was now sitting in the seat Infront of me. I narrowed my eyes and he laughed.

The lost sister: A Caspian Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now