Aunty Em feeds four 'orphans'

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"MEAT!? I'm a vegetarian!" He whined as a woman walked over to us. She had a creme dress on that had beautifully embroidered sleeves and ended just below her knees, she wore creme colored heels to match her dress. She wore a veil over her head, so i couldn't see her eyes, but she smiled at us. Her accent was Middle Eastern as she welcomed us.

"Children, it is much too late to be out alone! Where are your parents?" I quickly looked at Annabeth who answered stuttered until Percy spoke up.

"Orphans. We're orphans!" She looked at us (at least i think she did?), then she shook her head.

"Orphans? But my dears, certainly not!" The way she said orphans sounded like she knew we were lying; but she didn't say anything about it, especially after Percy told her our 'tragic' story.

"We got separated from our caravan- our circus caravan. The ringmaster told us to meet him at the gas station if we got lost, but he may have forgotten, or we are at the wrong place? Anyway, we're lost." I smelt a sweet cookie smell throughout the warehouse.

"Is that food i smell?" She nodded and took us to the back of the warehouse, where a booth was waiting. I slid into the seat and Percy sat next to me, on the other side, Grover and Annabeth forced themselves into the seat. After she walked away, Annabeth glared at Percy.

"Circus caravan?" He nodded and shrugged; a teasing smile on his face. I only knew that because i had the exact same one.

"Always have a strategy, right?" Do demigods always make jokes to others about their godly parents? Like do people make jokes about Luke stealing things?

"Your head is full of kelp." Yup, even Annabeth is in on it. I looked around and saw more of the gnomes, but they began to creep me out. Some looked like they were screaming, and others didn't look quite right. But my stomach growled and i gave up thinking about it. I didn't pay attention to Aunty Em locking the door, or the eyes following me, or even Grover's whimpers. All i wanted was to eat.

"Umm. We don't have any money, ma'am." Grover said as she walked over with four glasses of some brown soda. I wanted to push Grover, but she just smiled and shook her head.

"No, no, children. No money, this is a special case, yes? It is my treat for such nice orphans." Annabeth thanked her as she placed the drinks down. I noticed Aunty Em stiffen when Annabeth spoke up, but i just thought she started her. I took a sip of my drink and realized it was my favorite drink: Coca-cola. I groaned as i drank half the drink in one sip, i heard Percy empty his cup and burp. Usually i would have smacked him, but i just giggled; let me tell you- i have never giggled, ever.

"Excuse you, Percy. Now use your manners, please." He looked down, ashamed and i just laughed at him, not realizing we had never introduced ourselves. Aunty Em left and came back with a mountain of food. Cheeseburgers, heaps of French fries, and vanilla milkshakes. I took a big bite out of my burger and groaned; in pure bliss. Aunty Em knew how to make a cheeseburger. Percy was already done with his once i was halfway through mine, and Annabeth was chugging her milkshake. Grover stared at the wax paper underneath the fries, like he might chow down on that instead.

"W-What's that hissing noise?" Aunty Em laughed and i picked up the pickle that had fallen out of my burger. I didn't hear a hissing.

"Perhaps you hear the deep fryer; you have keen ears, Grover. And Caspian, use your napkin!" I picked it up and wiped the ketchup off my face. Grover gulped and i picked up some French fries.

"I- I take supplements for my ears." He stuttered, pushing a fry around in the basket. She told him to relax, but he didn't. His shoulders were still tense, and he kept staring at a gnome behind me. I finished my milkshake and realized Aunty Em hadn't eaten with us, she didn't even take her veil off, she cooked with it on, too. I felt exhausted and my eyes started trying to close, but Percy spoke up.

"So, you sell gnomes?" He said with a higher pitch at the end, prompting Aunty Em to reply.

"Ah, yes. Animals, people, satyrs, anything for the garden. Custom orders, even." Grover tensed when she said satyrs, but i didn't say anything. I thought she was a half-blood too. Percy slowly turned to look behind us, but it was just a statue of a little girl holding an easter basket; she must have messed up on this one, because it looked terrified.

"You notice some of my creations don't turn out so well, they are marred. They don't sell, faces are the hardest to get right; always the face." She trailed off and I had a sudden question, that i thought i knew the answer to, but i realized i had never asked.

"Do you make these statues yourself?" She nodded and her smile turned into a frown as she told us about her sisters.

"Once upon a time, I had two sisters to help me in my business, but they have passed on." The sadness in her voice made me feel awful for asking. Annabeth asked about her sisters, but i didn't listen. My necklace was spinning when Annabeth said my name.

"We should go, I mean the ringmaster will be waiting for us." Grover was munching on the wax paper now, and Annabeth stood up. Grover shot up.

"YES! WE SHOULD GO! Uh- the ringmaster will be waiting." Aunty Em touched Annabeth's cheek.

The lost sister: A Caspian Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now