Nightmares can suck my-

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"Ms. Jackson!" I opened my eyes and saw Chiron, Luke, Percy, Annabeth, and Grover. I shot up and backed away from Luke.

"Caspian, what's wrong?" Annabeth walked over. I saw Percy standing next to Luke, without a big bump on his hand, and that showed me it was all a dream.

"I- bad- bad dream..." I stuttered, trying to bring myself back to reality. Annabeth grabbed my arm as Chiron's back half began stomping a little.

"You missed dinner, we were worried about you." I looked outside and it was dark. I pointed at Luke and i could feel the sweat coating me, but i only had one thing to say.

"You're not going to kill me, right?" He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. Chiron, Percy, and Grover all seemed confused, but i wanted an answer.

"No, Caspian, I'm not going to kill you! Are you alright?" I nodded at i calmed down, then i realized i heard people shouting my name outside.

"Maybe i should go tell them we found you..." Chiron galloped outside. Percy walked over to me and seemed serious, then i stared at his hand, which was just fine.

"Sorry, really bad dream." I huffed out, they nodded, still concerned.

"I-I'm sorry for- well, everything." They all smiled, and Annabeth blushed when Luke looked at her, and Percy blushed when she looked at him.

"Guys. This is really awkward to watch... like a weird love triangle." They all began to blush, but Luke formed words first.

"Alright guys, it's almost time for lights out, we've got a big game tomorrow." Annabeth looked at Percy, who was off in his own world. She walked out, hitting the back of Percy's head, muttering 'dork' as she passed him. I put away my notebook and went to the bathroom to change into sweatpants, my shirt was clean enough. I came out and sat on my bed, i turned to look at Percy. He was holding the Minotaur horn he had apparently torn off after i passed out.

"Percy, I-I'm sorry- i tried my-" He turned to me with glossy eyes and i thought i had overstepped. He seemed angry, and i swore i could see water flowing in his eyes, but that was probably just my drowsiness.

"You know, i think my mom recognized you. She- she was so welcoming to you. She didn't deserve this, and i would kill the Minotaur a thousand times to get revenge." I looked down as i watched a single tear drop down his face.

"You know, i have this really faint memory of a woman crying as i was handed to someone. I always figured that it was CPS or something. They told me my parents drowned at the bottom of a river; inside their car. They told me that my dad died trying to unbuckle my mom..." He looked at me as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Caspian I-" He was interrupted by Luke shouting 'lights out'. I looked at him and could see sympathy in his eyes. Then i layed down and had another nightmare.


I backed away from Luke, holding a sword that felt comfortable in my grip. It was a weird bronze color, which i had learned from Luke, it was Celestial Bronze. I ducked as he swung a terrifying sword at me, i felt uneasy as he tried to swing. I couldn't control myself, i just had to hope that i would swing and duck at the right time.

"LUKE STOP!" I screamed as he closed in on me, i noticed a green hue to his sword and my only thought was poison. What is happening? Why would Luke be fighting me? I couldn't think anymore as i tried desperately to protect myself; i mean my body was. We hit swords and i cried out as the ripple launched me back into a tree.

"PERCY!" I cried as loud as i could, but somehow i knew, i was too far away from camp. Even in the daytime. I had fallen after hitting the tree, and Luke held his sword under my chin.

"Like old times, right?" Then i remembered the time i had kicked his knee, so i went for his ankle, with a sideswipe kind of kick. He fell back but swung his sword and landed a massive cut on my stomach. I fell back into the tree, gasping for air.

"Shame, you could have joined us. Now i have to go kill your brother." He stabbed my thigh, the one that i had cut open on the way to camp. I cried out as i felt the poison traveling through my blood.

"A new golden age is upon us, too bad you won't be alive to see it." And he ran off, i sobbed as i clawed at the tree to let me up. I remembered muttering 'please' repeatedly, until i saw a woman come out of the tree next to me. I cried as she ran over and i closed my eyes.


I shot up, eyes wide open, and noticed it was daytime. I turned to look around, and a couple of campers were waking up. Percy shot up a minute later, as i tried to calm my breathing and show myself i had no stab wounds, just that ugly scar on my thigh. Percy looked at me.

"Nightmare too?" I asked him, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and nodded. I stood up, then helped him up next to me. We went to separate bathrooms and changed into day clothes, one of my camp T-shirts, some loose jeans (Jeans because i would be in the woods later today), and my trusty converses. I brushed the knots out of my hair and threw it up in a ponytail. I saw my ring's reflection in the mirror and wondered if Sally Jackson had given it to me or if my real dad had? I walked out and saw Percy holding that blue candy, he nodded and put it away.

"Ready for breakfast?" I asked him as i walked over, he smiled and started sneaking out of the door. The rest of our cabin was asleep, except for a girl who i had never seen shut her eyes. We walked in the cold dew of the morning and i wished i had more than a T-shirt on. We both sat at the Hermes table with the few people who woke up before us. I nodded to them and wished for what i wanted on my plate. Waffles with raspberry syrup, powdered sugar, and raspberry on top. It appeared on my plate and i realized i had a lot of sugar. Scrambled eggs. They appeared and i got up with Percy to go burn some of our food. He went first, and i decided to be respectful and not listen in. Once he stepped away, i stepped up, and scraped some eggs off.

"Hey dad! Would be nice if i knew who you were!" Nothing, I've gotten used to it though, the weird smell of saltwater, but no reply... who could my dad even be? I didn't look like anyone here, except for Percy (Because we are half-siblings), not the Hermes cabin with their pointed faces, not the Ares cabin with their smug grins, not the Hephestus cabin with their craftsmanship, not even the Apollo cabin with their singing. I didn't belong here; nobody was my dad. Maybe they made a mistake. I couldn't help but think that as i sat back down and told my cup to fill with cranberry juice.

I was eating in peace, just thinking about that, when more kids started coming down. The Ares cabin glared at Percy and I. Some Athena kids went and sat down with Annabeth, and a couple other cabins began coming out. Except the Aphrodite children, i was told they are sure to get their beauty sleep. Slowly, the Hermes cabin flooded in, and Percy and i were shoved to the side. I watched a girl go up, from my cabin, and suddenly a beautiful golden wheat crop was above her head.

"Congratulations, America Stark, daughter of the harvest; DEMETER!" Chiron said, walking in. We all bowed to her and she smiled shyly. I groaned as Chiron reminded us of our game this afternoon. They then dismissed us and i walked to the arena, Percy was following me.

"Want to practice a little?" He nodded and pulled a pen out of his pocket and uncapped it. My jaw hit the floor, out came a glistening three-foot blade.

The lost sister: A Caspian Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now