Chapter 10

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-------------------------------------------------------- You clearly know why you keep forcing me to answer? - James turned around and glared angrily at Net

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- You clearly know why you keep forcing me to answer? - James turned around and glared angrily at Net.

- Quickly give me back the jade!- Net held out his hand, looking very upset.

Net smiled and slowly lowered the jade piece into James's hand when he saw James smiling. By accident, Net immediately stole a kiss on James' lips. The unexpected kiss made James startled, widening his eyes and looking at Net, and then the piece of jade was kept in the palm of Net's hand.

- Can i consider it a token of love that you gave me.

- No, it's a family heirloom that can only be given to the person I love.- James then regained his composure, remembering that the jade was still in Net's hand.We've kissed twice already... aren't we close? I will keep it for you until you volunteer wholeheartedly to give it to me.- Net pulled James closer to him and smiled crookedly.

- I...I...will not give it to you.- James shyly tried to push Net away.

- I haven't finished speaking yet... I don't just want to take the pearl but also want to take the whole person... heart cause i like it.- Net leaned down and whispered into James' ear.

Net's breathy voice kept fluttering in James's ears and spreading down his neck, making him shiver slightly. When I hear it, my face was as red as a tomato, my heart beats like it's about to jump out, my hands sweat and I tremble.

- Okay, let's go to the crime scene.Net smiled when he saw James' expressions. He didn't want to tease James anymore so he changed the subject. After leaving the hotel, James and Net returned to Thanh Long discotheque.

- P'Net! You just left not long ago and came back to find us, right?

As soon as Net walked in, all the girls flocked to him like ants on a road. Normally, seeing these scenes, James would just treat them as nothing, but today he felt like he was about to go crazy when he saw a group of girls surrounding Net.

- Stay away... I invited him here to investigate the case.

James immediately crowded into the group of girls leaving Net. Of course, as soon as they saw James, they immediately moved away. Net just stood there watching with an amused smile on his face. James led Net to the women's toilet but with a murderous look on his face because he was still upset about Net and those girls.

- You're jealous, right? - Net walked quickly to be equal to James and then looked over at James and smiled teasingly at him.

- Who's jealous? Why should I be jealous? - James still won't admit that he's jealous no matter what.

- If you don't admit it then that's fine.. but I still feel very happy anyway.- Net gave an expression as if he understood James's heart, making James feel worried.

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