I believe in you

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-------------------------------------------------------- Yes!- James nodded slightly in acknowledgment under Net's surprised expression

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- Yes!- James nodded slightly in acknowledgment under Net's surprised expression.

Mark also slowly lowered the gun. He looked at Gia Han who was crying and then looked at the younger brother he loved and couldn't bear to let him suffer. Mark took Gia Han's coat back and hugged her tightly.

- Let's leave here before I change my mind.

James gave Net clothes to wear. He pulled Net out of Gia Han's room and back to his room. Net gently closed the door and knelt down on one knee at James's feet, holding his hand.- I'm sorry, I know you were very sad when you saw the scene just now... but please believe me... I never did anything wrong to you... Baby, I will take responsibility responsibility...he is our child!! We will get married before the baby is born.

- Who said i am pregnant? - James turned back to look at Net and quickly wiped away his tears.

- That's not what I said just now...- Net's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at James.

James sighed and looked at Net:

- I just want my brother not to shoot me... I want to keep my reputation that's why... look at me... I don't look like a man who likes to get married early and I'm a boy how rare is the pregnancy rate possible? - James stood up and turned away from Net.

Net walked over and hugged James from behind:

- Even if it's true, I will still marry you...when you said that, I was so happy that I went crazy.James remained silent and didn't say anything. Net understood that and kissed James on the cheek:

- You don't believe me? Still angry with me, right?

James turned slightly to look at Net:

- I trust you. Even though everything is right in front of my eyes, it hurts my heart, but I still want to believe you. Please prove to me that it's just a misunderstanding... that I didn't put my love in the wrong place.- James leaned his head on Net's shoulder and spoke softly.

- I promise you, I will give you a very satisfactory answer.- Net hugged James tightly in his arms. As long as James believes in him, it will create great trust.After Gia Han's incident, Net could no longer stay. Even though he still had many doubts, he still couldn't do anything else. If he stayed, he was afraid Mark would put him at a disadvantage. Right now, no matter how he explains it, Mark won't believe it. On the contrary, it will make James even more embarrassed.

- Rape James's sister-in-law? - All three mouths shouted in unison, making everyone in the coffee shop look towards the four of them.

Net looked around and signaled his three friends to quiet down. Tutor stared at Net as if he had never seen a handsome man before.

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