Unlucky fishing day

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--------------------------------------------------------I remember you went shopping last week

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-I remember you went shopping last week.- Net carried a few bags in his hand and followed James.

-Recently, the weather is so hot...so I want to buy some cool clothes to wear comfortably.- James said while choosing clothes.

-Hey, I won't let you wear this...showing your back and shoulders...it's so weird.- Net put down all the bags and grabbed the tank top from James's hand and hung it in the same place.

-You're so strange, I see people wearing them all over the street. Besides, I'm a boy, so it's okay to wear that. - James rolled his eyes and looked at Net-Then ignore them, even if you're a boy, you can't wear it...you wear it, they're so horny and they keep staring at you with their headlights...I don't like it. - Net started to sound jealous towards James again.

-Huh, so who walked with you the other day and said that dressing like this was very attractive?- James stood with his arms crossed, remembering the previous day with a jealous look on his face, looking at Net.

-That's all I'm saying, but it's not cool to wear it like that...no wonder people keep their eyes glued to you...don't wear it...you're still attractive with your normal face.- Net immediately tried to cover it up, smiling innocently at James and flattering him so he wouldn't be angry

-That guy, he just has a sweet mouth.- James lightly pinched Net's nose.

- I'm going out with you today, what about the office?-I'm taking a break... after all, it's the weekend... so Yim can go fishing with Tutor.

..........At a riverbank.

-Are you sad?- Tutor turned to look at Yim, who was holding a fishing rod in his hand.

-Just sitting next to you makes me happy.- Yim smiled slightly and shook his head.

-On the weekends, people go on dates to watch movies or go for walks and I take you to the river bank to fish...I'm afraid I'll make you sad.- Tutor smiled and gently lowered the fishing rod to gently brush Yim's hair. .

-Here the wind is cool and the air is fresh...I feel very comfortable.- Yim gently laid his head on Tutor's shoulder.

While in the air, Yim suddenly looked out at the riverbank and saw something floating on the river. He gently nudged Tutor and pointed in the direction the object was floating.Tutor, it's something floating in the river...

-Probably someone threw trash into the river.- Tutor didn't care much about that object.

But Yim doesn't feel normal. Having worked for Net for a long time, he is also infected with curiosity. The detective's intuition resurfaced and he went out and stood by the riverbank, waiting for the object to float in.

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