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-------------------------------------------------------Wandering on the street all day, Net wanted to be alone and quiet to think about all the strange things James had experienced

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Wandering on the street all day, Net wanted to be alone and quiet to think about all the strange things James had experienced. He spent the whole day not knowing what exactly was related to why James saw ghosts. Returning home with a tired face, he put the key in and gently opened the door... Net was surprised to see James's shoes... entering the house, he smelled the aroma of food...
James smiled,walking out with an apron on like a wife welcoming her husband back..

- You're home, go wash your hands and you'll have something to eat later.Net smiled happily, seeing James' smile again, he quickly went into the house to wash his hands and walked into the kitchen to hug James while he was cooking food:

- Sweet-smelling!! You are so good to me ter.

- Who is your ter? - James smiled, although he really liked to hear it, he still didn't seem to care.

- Not mine, but whose? - Net turned James around to face him with a confident smile on his lips, knowing James would definitely be his.

James lightly hit Net's forehead:

- You're so confident. Hurry up and get out...if you stand here for a while, there won't be any food.- James turned Net around and pushed him from behind. He knew that no matter how long Net stood here, this meal would be hard to eat.

- I want to stay and continue cooking.- Net was pushed by James but still turned around and said with a devious smile.Net sat at the table and looked into the kitchen, watching James while he was cooking. Seeing James, he felt relieved. All worries and sadness disappeared with James' smile and eyes. Even though sometimes James is very cruel and awkward, he still loves him. James carried each plate of food to the dining table and placed it in front of Net, all of which he like to eat. Since meeting Net as a young master who didn't know what to do, James has tried to learn everything because he simply wanted to be a perfect guy next to Net... A cozy dinner filled with love took place in Net's house. They both ate and chatted happily, not mentioning unpleasant things.

- I'll help you wash the dishes.- Net walked in and pulled James out. He don't wanted james to wash the dishes because he cooked, so he wanted in return that he would wash the dishes after eating.

James pulled Net away and didn't let him wash:Let me do this, you go in and eat some fruit.

- Looks like if you don't marry won't work.- Net stood next to James and said with a sigh but his mouth smiled evilly.

James smiled softly and said nothing but continued to wash the dishes. Net stood next to him and watched James help him put the dishes on the shelf. Later, he looked at James's neck and discovered something... Net came closer and touched James's neck and took out the red string on which was the talisman that Gia Han gave him.

- Why didn't i discover this? - Net frowned and looked at the talisman.

- SuSu, when Gia Han met you, did she give you anything besides this talisman? - Net pulled James out to the living room and asked him.

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