Chapter 11

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.....6 am......

As usual, wherever the shadow of death passes by, nothing good will happen. Everyone gathered in the deserted alley that the police were blocking to investigate.

- Zee, is it the same as the previous victim? - Net walked over and sat down next to Zee while he was examining the body.

- Just like the previous incident where he was strangled to death, then he raped the victim..and still wore a "condom" so as not to leave semen behind.- While examining the body, Zee reported to him. Net knows.Combined killers? Wait...isn't this girl Ha Thi from Thanh Long discotheque? - Net observed the victim carefully before speaking up because the victim's face was crushed.

- Net, this case is different from last time. - Zee, who was taking all the chocolate out of the girl's throat, spoke and turned to look at Net.

Where is different?

Her tongue was cut off. - Zee gently squeezed the victim's throat for Net to see.

Net glared at the corpse:

- How cruel, people are dead...

Tutor had been walking around looking for evidence and then spoke up:

- About 3 years ago there was a similar case but it was a murderer who specialized in cutting off the tongues of corpses when they died... at that time I questioned him... he said... he was afraid they would go to hell. Just tell me his name so I cut out their tongues.-Tutor told everyone about a similar case from many years ago.

- Looks like this year's Valentine's Day won't leave us alone.- Zee smiled faintly and looked at his friends.

.......Coffee GAGA.

- Sorry I'm late.- James ran quickly, his face still sweating, he sat down opposite Net who was waiting for him. James used a tissue to wipe his sweat while breathing while Net was silent all this while observing James' every move and smiling.

James now felt like Net was looking at him:What are you looking at?

- No matter from any angle, you are beautiful... I discover that I love you more and more.- Net reached out to hold James' hand and gently looked at James with affectionate eyes.

James quickly withdrew his hand, his face turned red, and then he softly lowered his face and mumbled:

- You said the case was progressing and you wanted to meet me to talk...have you found the culprit yet?- James looked up at Net, waiting for the answer he needed.

- I still don't know the murderer.- Net sighed in frustration.

There aren't many clues at my hand.

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