New discovery

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--------------------------------------------------------DMD Restaurant-

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-DMD Restaurant-

-Brother, I'm here.

Mark turned to look at James when he sat down next to his brother. Because Mark wanted to open another restaurant for business, today was the day he hired a main chef for the restaurant.

-Look, if you see someone, choose that person.- Mark signaled James to look up at the chefs who were showing off their talents together.

-Wow, why is it like choosing a chef as if you're taking a sword test?James watched the chefs demonstrate their skills and his eyes widened in surprise when he saw them raising their knives to cut the meat as quickly as lightning and each piece came out very evenly, as if measuring with a ruler... But his eyes were looking towards a chef rolling roasted pork onto a plate. The way he cut the meat made James pay attention. It was so quick and neat that each stroke of the knife went down very sweetly.

-Brother, why don't you just compete in cutting meat... why don't you ask them to cook... to taste the flavors? - James turned to look at Mark and asked.

-Yes, look...that's the soup they cook over there...let's go try it later.- Mark pointed to the left so there was a long table.James smiled and walked closer to the long table where there were more than a dozen cups of soup with different preparations. Looking at the bowls of soup, James had to stop at a strange bowl of soup. The color of the soup was not as clear as the other bowls but it was red... just like the color of blood but with a very special aroma. .

-Why is it that color?- James looked at the bowl of soup and asked

-Young master, this is "Blood Bird's Nest" soup, although it has that name, it is not cooked with bird's blood but is just bird's nest stewed with beetroot so it has such a red color.. very nutritious.

The chef turned around and walked over to explain to James. He smiled slightly and looked at Mark, pointing gently behind him:

-I choose him.While James was at the restaurant choosing a chef with his brother, Net's guys investigated to the point where the head was thrown down. After it drifted back to the place where Tutor and Yim went fishing.

-Upstream here...this place is so deserted it's the right place to dump the evidence.- Tutor looked around the river, it was a deserted and desolate place with barely a shadow of a person.

-Here there are cigarette filters, cake wrappers, water bottles...a lot of things...maybe a lot of people come here often.- Net was holding a cigarette butt in his hand and observing.

-A deserted place is also a good place to do bad things.- Zee smiled, thinking about couples who often date in deserted places.

-Your mind is so dark.- Max looked around and threw a question at Zee.

-You and Tutor stay here to see if there's anything suspicious. Zee and I went up to see what happened.Net finished speaking and Zee went back up to where many people's houses were living. This place is also very busy with trading, unlike the side near the river where there is not a single person in sight.

-This place also seems very crowded.- Zee walking next to Net spoke softly and looked around.

-It seems like most of them open restaurants here.- I've been looking at both sides of the road and see that this place has a lot of restaurants that are small but sell well.


The phone rang again, making Net and Zee blush, because perhaps something was wrong. Their hunch was correct. Not far from where they were, Tutor and Max's group arrived first. There was a resident who discovered the lower part of a corpse without a head, just the part from the abdomen down.

-Max, what's wrong?- Net and Zee rushed over.-The victim is female, take a look.- Max gently opened the cover of her almost rotten lower body to show Net and Zee.

-It was found in a trash can, this time I didn't put it in a wrapper or paper bag but just left it like that and put it in the trash.- Max looked at Net and told him again because according to the person who discovered you, I reported it as such. So.

-Come here quickly!- Tutor's voice sounded like he had discovered something in that trash.

-What's going on?- Net ran quickly to the place where Tutor's voice was heard.

And this time what caught their eyes was a head without a body, but that head had had its entire brain removed, leaving only a hole in the head, the two eyes were also gone...nearby there were many blood stains has dried.

-Bring everything back!- Max ordered his subordinates to bring all the corpses and related evidence to the station........Forensic department.......

-The victim is female, however the head and lower body are not the same person...along with the head we found first, it is also not the same person.- Zee pointed to the random bodies they picked up.

-This head has had holes cut out and its brain removed. I checked the two eyes, which could have been gouged out or eaten by rats.- Zee said about the second head they found.

-Is there anything else?- Max asked further

-There was a small piece found in the lower section...maybe because the knife chipped and fell in.- Zee picked up a small thin piece of iron and held it up for everyone to see.

-Such a neat cut must mean the killer must have a job related to knives or something like that.- Net started to think.Upstream of the river there are many food stalls and meat will take a long time to investigate.- Zee began to remember the places he and Net had gone to.

-Now there's no other way, we have to investigate in this can we investigate the body like that?- Tutor shrugged lightly.

-P'Max, there is news about the first victim.- Nat ran in and called his name and they happily ran out of Zee's forensic room.

-The victim's name is Truong My Han, 25 years old, her career is independent, she does many things...and the victim is from...- Max looked at the affidavit that the victim's identifier provided to Nat .

-Where?- Net asked Max.-It's the area we just returned from...she has no relatives.- Max continued to tell Net and the rest of the group.

-The person who came to identify her was her neighbor. They said she had been missing for 2 months. They thought she had left to find a better place, but then they saw a sketch posted on TV so they came to report it- Nat watching everyone talk about the people who gave him the victim's information.

 They thought she had left to find a better place, but then they saw a sketch posted on TV so they came to report it- Nat watching everyone talk about the people who gave him the victim's information

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