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-------------------------------------------------------Susu! You can't follow her anymore

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Susu! You can't follow her's dangerous...stay there I'll be there soon...remember not to follow her anymore.

Net was driving to James, his voice constantly telling him that he was afraid that if he took a risk, it would be very dangerous.

- I know.- James lowered his voice.

But waiting was not James' policy. He remained nervous for fear of losing sight of Tieu Mi. Not listening to Net's instructions, he arbitrarily followed Tieu Mi and ended up stepping right into the alley where the second victim Ha Thi was killed.. He stopped walking when he couldn't see Tieu Mi's shadow... he felt the death in this alley.

Second young master, are you looking for me?Tieu Mi's voice rang out from behind James. He turned around to see Tieu Mi, her eyes filled with death and a cold smile.

- Second young master, you have been following me for a long time... is there something you want to ask me? - Tieu Mi slowly approached James, she pulled out the shiny wire in her hand from her pocket.

James stepped back and looked at the rope, seemingly scared, but tried to calm down because in this situation, calm is the most important thing:

Are you the one who killed Y Van and Ha Thi? - James's eyes turned cold, his face became serious, his hands did not change at all. James put his hands in his pocket, opened his phone and pressed the record button.

- Anyway, the second young master is about to go down to meet them... I don't mind letting you know... I killed them myself.- Tieu Mi admitted decisively.

The person who attacked me that day was you. Why do you want to kill me?Tieu Mi smiled slightly and kept staring at James:

- Because you saw something you shouldn't have seen.

- What is it? - James was curious to know what he shouldn't see.

It' hormone regulating pill...

Tieu Mi had just finished speaking when James's eyes suddenly flashed with a light and he gradually understood the problem:

- Hormone regulating drugs for transgender people because they lack female hormones, they need... Aren't you a girl? That means "gasoline mixed with oil".- James said calmly, up to this point he was still amused.

- I could have been a real man...but they forced me into this state.- Suddenly Tieu Mi shouted loudly in indignation and anger.Y Van is my first girlfriend, I love her sincerely... I have to work hard to meet her needs... then when she gets bored she considers me useless because I'm not like other men who satisfy her sexual thirst...On February 14, I bought her the chocolate she likes the most but what did she get in return...saw her in bed with another man... When I was most depressed, Ha Thi appeared. I thought she was in love with me, but I didn't expect that she was no different from that other woman.

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