James is in trouble

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-------------------------------------------------------Two days after James and Net made up, they officially had a small engagement ceremony

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Two days after James and Net made up, they officially had a small engagement ceremony. Because they were busy solving a case, Net couldn't celebrate the wedding early with James. For the time being, they just went to register their marriage and waited until after the case was over before they could actually get married.

- Even though the two of them are not really married, they have registered and are considered husband and wife.- Mark looked at James and Net sitting in front of him.

SuSu, after you become someone's wife, stop whining... you have to know how to take care of your husband and children and don't act like a young master.
- His parents passed away early so Mark can be considered James's guardian, he advised. probed him like a father.

- Brother, I don't want to leave you.- James sat next to him, hugging Mark and sobbing.- Idiot, we live in the same city so far away, why are you worried? - Mark hugged James gently, his heart choked up. Even though he knew he could see James often, he couldn't bear let his cutie susu be married.

- I will take good care of james and our baby in his belly.- Net stood up, walked closer to James, grabbed James's hand and promised him to give him peace of mind and hand James over to him.

If you're not nice to him, I won't respect you. - Mark looked at Net and warned first.

James moved in with Net to make it easier for him to take care of him. Mark wanted to wait until James gave birth before moving in with Net. But the doctor said so that the baby could feel the love of his parents right from the womb, so James moved in with Net.

**Police station **

- Eat as much as you want for today's meal.Because in order to celebrate Net's transformation from a single person to a married person who is about to become a father, he had to treat everyone to a big drink.

- This time your wish to give birth to a boy will come true.- Tutor looked at Net and laughed loudly.

- Don't say that he can give me a little or a little princess.- Net nervously looked at Tutor and advised

- Why?- Max asked curiously

He said he likes little girls, so he can take her shopping with him....he really likes little girls.- Net sighed because he and James disagreed, he liked boys and James liked little girls.

- Boy or girl, it doesn't matter. - Zee laughed loudly about Net's story.

- Let's not talk about it anymore...let's talk about the case, i need to get married as soon as i solve the case. He kept complaining that his belly was getting bigger and his wedding dress wasn't looking beautiful on him. - Net with a pained look on his face because every day James complained that he wanted to destroy the peace so he could get married.

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