The wall of crime

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--------------------------------------------------------This is the house of the first victim we discovered

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-This is the house of the first victim we discovered.- Net pushed open the door of Truong My Han's house and entered.

James followed Net and kept rubbing his arms:

- Why does this house look so gloomy? Surely there aren't any of those things, right...?- James stuck out his tongue and looked at Net describing to him that he was afraid of ghosts.

-I told you to stay home but you didn't listen.- Net shook his head and grabbed James' hand and pulled him into the house.

-What's special about this house?- James looked around the victim's house.Net let James stand there and went around the house to check again after coming with Max's group last time. Go to the back of the kitchen where Nunew and Nat found the jar containing human brains. Net still couldn't find any clues.

-This girl also has great taste...everything is beautifully decorated...but suddenly placing the bookcase near the aquarium...seems to be inconsistent with feng shui.
- James he looked around and shook his head to criticize the decorator.

-I always do feng shui.- Net gave up on James when he remembered that everything in his house was rearranged by James reading feng shui books.

James went to the aquarium to feed the fish in the pond because its owner had died so he felt sorry for them.

- Net! Come here quickly!- James suddenly called Net loudly-What's going on?- Net walked towards James and followed his eyes at the bookshelf.

-Why does this shelf have something on the wall...I can't see's so wet that it smells so bad.- James pointed to a small area of ​​the wall that was damp with water behind him. If you don't look closely at the bookshelf, you won't notice it because it's hidden by the shelf.

-SuSu, I see you have more and more detective spirit.- Net smiled half-heartedly and praised James.

-Of course, after all, i am the detective's lover.- James raised his face confidently.

Net moved the bookshelf out to find a hammer to smash that wall. The "whoosh" of sand and rocks falling was when they saw a headless body stuffed in there, it was gradually rotting away and smelled horrible.

Net took the prepared gloves from his pocket and pulled them on gently to let the body fall because it looked like it was stuck to the wall. James covered his nose with his hand as the smell of the corpse made him vomit.

-It's a female victim again!- Net looked at the victim's body parts.

It's just that this part is still intact and the top part hasn't been cut could be Truong My Han's.

James was listening attentively to Net when he suddenly felt like someone was peeking at the two of them:

Who is it? - James turned to look out the door and saw a figure running away. James quickly chased after him.

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