First meeting and following weeks

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"Another week done and over with!" Niran stretched his arms above his head. He looked around to discover that he was the only one left in the office. He quickly saved his files and then turned off his computer. He clocked out and then went home. He ran by the convenience store to pick up food for dinner.

After paying he went back to his apartment and quickly ate dinner. He took a shower and then went to bed. In the morning he woke up around ten and then got his bag ready for the day. He didn't eat breakfast, but he would eat at his favorite place. He got dressed in a red loose fitting shirt and a pair of ivory pants. He picked the outfit based on his love for his favorite BL drama.

He gathered his remaining items and left. He got in his car and went to his favorite Korean restaurant. Everyone knew him by name. They showed him to his table but it was not his normal table. When he looked at his normal table, he saw a good looking guy with a female. They were smiling at each other. The guy looked over to him and nodded. The girl looked over and frowned.

Niran quickly moved his menu to hide his face. He knew the girl. It was a one night stand that he had a few months back. That was before he met his now ex boyfriend.

"Shit!" He whispered. "What am I going to do?" The waiter came over and took his order. He ordered his meal to go. He did not want any confrontation. Ten minutes later, his food was ready. He paid and left. He went to a park nearby. He found a bench and ate silently.

Once he finished the meal, he made his way to the aquarium. He scanned his yearly pass. He went to the shark viewing area and took out his drawing pad. He took a seat and started to draw. He was so into his work, that he did not notice someone sitting next to him. He drew people and animals that were swimming around.

"You draw beautifully. Could you draw me?" The stranger said.

"I don't draw people who ask. Please go aw..." Niran turned to the stranger. He was speechless. It was the man from the restaurant. He was taken back just a little bit. He thought to himself "Why is a good looking man talking to a person like me? He is an alpha. The girl he was with is a beta. Why is he talking to me? Does he really want me to draw him?" He shook his head to clear his mind.

"Are you okay?" The looking man said. Niran nodded in response. "Would you be kind enough to draw me? I can pay you for your time." The man said.

"No. I don't like to get paid for my drawings. I will make you a deal. If we see each other here for two months straight, I will draw you. During that time, we should get to know each other. This way I can get more of you in the drawing. Does that sound like a deal?" Niran said while going back to drawing.

The man beside him laughed and then agreed with him. The man still sat beside him and just watched the man draw. After two hours, Niran packed up and stood up. The person beside him also stood up and turned to him.

"If we are going to be meeting, let me introduce myself. I am Thorm." He put out his hand to shake hands with Niran.

"I am Niran. Remember two months straight we will need to meet. I won't tell you when I will be coming here, so I won't be giving you my number or line just yet. Is that okay with you?" Niran shook Thorm's hand and then let go. Thorm did not let go of Niran's hand.

Smiling Thorm replied, "Deal. I look forward to seeing you again. Have a good week at work." Thorm then let go of Niran's hand and then turned and left. Niran watched him go and then left as well. He went home and then ordered food. Tomorrow he will go food shopping. His food delivery came and he quickly ate and put leftovers in the fridge. Sunday he went shopping and then got ready for work. The week went by in a flash and on Saturday he went food shopping. He did not go to the aquarium.

Sunday he went to the aquarium to see Thorm sitting at the bench. He sat down beside thorm and took out his pad and pencils. Thorm handed him a cup of coffee. Niran thanked him and then started to draw. Thorm sat and watched him for a little bit and then suggested that they move to a different location of the aquarium. They went to the penguin part and there was a bench for them on the far wall.

Thorm started to talk and niran naturally responded while drawing. Niran drew a little girl who was talking about penguins to her mother. He finished drawing and went to the girl. He knelt down and handed the drawing to the girl. On the sheet there were things that she was saying with her and a penguin in the background. She hugged him and then left.

Thorm smiled at the sight but stayed where he was. Niran returned to him and Thorm handed him his coffee. Niran thanked him and they sat and talked about things. They were really different from each other. They both did not notice that it was time to go until a worker came and told them that the aquarium was closing.

They left and then stood outside and talked for another fifteen minutes. They shook hands and then departed. The meet up went on for another five weeks. It was Niran that would not be at the next meet up.

Aquarium love (BL+ Omega-verse)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora