Waen and Thorm's conversation

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Waen walked to the beach and then stopped when she was out of ear shot from the house. Thorm stopped a few feet behind her.

"Come here boy. We need to talk." Waen stated.

Thorm walked up beside her but did not say a thing.

Waen stood there for a moment before talking. She had to gather her thoughts. "Before we talk I want to ask you two questions." Thorm just looked at her and said nothing. "How much do you know about Niran's past? How much do you love my nephew?"

"I know some of his past but I feel like that is for him to tell me. I know he had a hard life. I don't judge him for his past because I just want his future. In regards to your second question, I would do anything to keep him happy. He is the sun in my world. The light in my dark world. I love him with everything I have in me." Thorm said looking at the ocean

"Take a seat. We have a long way to go. I talked to Niran this morning before you woke up. He gave me permission to talk about this. Just a heads up, it is not pretty. I think he is worried about how you would react when you heard the story." Waen sat in the sand. Thorm joined her but didn't say anything. "Please ask questions at any point. Are you ready?" Thorm stayed silent and just looked at the sea.

"Thirty years ago, my brother met the love of his life. She was a beta. Having kids was a struggle, but they took the time to get pregnant. When they finally became pregnant, she discovered that she had triplets. They were beyond happy. Both families poured everything into that preparation for the birth. You see, in both families there were only Alphas and Betas born. No omegas. I was the first. I was sent away for schooling. I landed here because I didn't want to be near my family. Niran is the same. My birth father was married into the family. He would take care of me as much as he could while my father took care of my siblings.

The major difference is that Niran's family did care about him. They saw him as a mistake that happened. Two years after the birth of the triplets, all alphas, Niran's mother got pregnant again with Niran and his twin. The pregnancy was easy but birth was hard. She would never be able to have kids again. Niran was born first and then followed his still born sister. Niran was deemed a killer and a burden to the whole family. I ended up coming to help. I took care of Niran until he was one. After that, he was sent to my parents.

His parents did not talk to him nor saw him until he was in primary school. The school did a test on every student there. Niran called me when his results came out. He was listed as an Omega. He was scared of what his grandparents were going to think. I told him that they would love him no matter what. I think having Niran living with my parents, changed them a lot. Niran is the reason why my parents and I were able to mend our broken relationship. I visited them and that is when he told my parents about his Omega status.

My grandparents took him in their arms and just told him everything would be alright. They called his parents and invited them to dinner the following day. At this point, Niran had only seen his parents a handful of times. They arrived with their kids and at dinner, they were told his status. They stood up and grabbed Niran and took him to a different room. They locked the door, and started to beat him. When my father opened the door, Niran had lost a lot of blood.

My parents and I rushed him to a hospital. They had to give him blood because he lost so much. Niran's parents came as well. My father called his attorney and had him draft up a contract saying that they were not able to have physical contact with Niran until after their death. I wanted to press charges for almost killing Niran but my father didn't want that. I hated my father because of this. Niran does not know any of this and I request that you don't tell him." Waen paused and sighed.

"I won't tell him anything we are talking about, promise." Thorm stated.

I need a drink before I finish this story. Let's go to the bar." Waen stood up and started walking to her normal bar. She greeted everyone in person and ordered her usual for herself and Thorm. After they got their drinks, they went to the table that overlooked the ocean.

"Let me continue, but I am going to keep drinking while we talk. So as I said, Niran's parents got physically abusive toward him and my father but had no physical contact with Niran until they passed. They took a million bucks in order for this to happen. Just because they had no physical contact doesn't mean that they stopped their abuse. They emotionally and mentally abused him until he started university. I told him to seek help because of the abuse, told him to never respond to his parents, and to block them. He took my advice and started to see a therapist for his issues.

During this time, he got a girlfriend. They were happy together until she started to manipulate him. With him still going to his therapist, he was able to see quickly what she was doing." Waen said.

"What did she do?" Thorm asked softly and then raised his glass for another round. "She only dated him for his money and he was just so happy to have someone that he never saw. She also was cheating on him with her now husband. She used the money she got from Niran to take care of her bf at the time." Waen was not happy. She down the drink as soon as the waiter brought the round to the table. She asked for another round and to keep them coming. "Please continue with the story." Thorm said.

"He broke up with her after six months of dating. He was heart broken, and started to sleep around. He slept with females only during that time but I told him to make sure that he kept it wrapped. He promised that he was safe. It was not until he met his ex that things started to change but also it was the darkest point in his life. My parents passed away and therefore Niran lost the only parents he had ever known.

My parents loved Niran and passed almost all their wealth to him when they passed away a year ago. He met his now ex only two weeks after they passed. I didn't know how bad Niran was until I got a call from the hospital. I took a red eye to Bangkok and rushed to the hospital. This is where I met his ex. Niran was so broken that he was self harming. His therapist was there as well. He was put on depression medication. He saw his therapist every monday, wednesday, and friday for two months. I came to visit when I could.

I thought Niran was doing a lot better but then something I never thought would happen, happened. His ex, who was sleeping around with another person, planned for Niran to... Sorry I can't. Anyway, Niran broke up with him. They didn't have sex, but I can tell you this for a fact, Niran was never with a male alpha before you. Now you are caught up. Do you have any questions for me?"

Thorm took a drink and then another. "Is he still in therapy? What can I do to make him feel better? Does he trust me with his love?"

Waen took his hand and smiled. "When Niran met you at the aquarium and the month and half of getting to know him, he called me after every time. I honestly never saw him speak about anyone that way. I know that he trusts you. It might be hard for him, but I heard it in his voice. He may lash out and have fights, but it is because he is having self doubt. Yes, he sees his therapist once a week. Promise me one thing Thorm, don't ever leave him. I don't think I can watch him suffer again."

"I won't leave him. He is my world, my rock, and my life. I feel like I would die if I did not have him in my life." Thorm said after he took his last shot.

Waen ordered the last round. Once the drink came, she raised her glass to him. "I got one thing to say then. Welcome to the family, son." Thorm picked up his glass and clinked it to Waen's and they both downed the drink. Thorm paid for the drinks and they went back to the hotel. 

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