Rumors and the Truth

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Niran woke up the following afternoon and nursed his headache. He did not go anywhere and just ordered food to drink. It was in the evening when he got a phone call from his older brother. Even though they were on bad terms, he still got phone calls every once and a while. This phone call was to inform him that their mother and father were in a really bad car wreck. They were in the hospital in the city and that he should stop by.

He responded with if he had time, he would. In the back of his head, he told himself that he would never go to hospital to see them. Little did he know at the time, he would never see his parents again. He hung up the phone and then sat on the couch. His thoughts were all over the place.

He fell asleep on the couch and then woke up at sunday. He responded to messages from Sanan and Hiran and thanked them for their gifts. He did ask about the whiskey but Sanan and Hiran did not say anything about who got it for him. He ordered take out and then put on "Bed friend" again. He really enjoyed that show. His food arrived and he ate while watching the second episode. He went to sleep after the third episode.

Monday at the office Hiran came to him and told him that the project that they were working on with the other company would have two people joining their team. She heard that both men were hot and both alphas. He pulled up the company's employee log and found that Thorm did work there but it did not state what his occupation was.

Niran and Hiran looked at each and smiled. Was Thorm part of their new group? Their company mainly had betas but only 15 alphas. So the odds of them meeting each other at the company was 1 to 15. Hiran and Niran then started to gather their updated information about their project. That took the rest of the day.

Tuesday started with Hiran and Niran getting pulled into a meeting with the new people on their team. When they entered the room, they saw their manager and the CEO and four other people. One of the people was Thorm. Niran ignored him and sat down on the last chair while Hiran took the chair next to their manager. Niran handed out the information that they gathered the other day to everyone. Thorm smiled at Niran when he was handed the papers.

Niran still ignored him. Hiran then spoke about where the project was at and also where the projected finish would be as well. Thorm asked a few questions in which Niran answered for Hiran. Hiran and Niran tagged teamed on answering questions for the group.

The project would take two more months to finish. At this point both companies would gain in status in the company world but also in wealth as well. There was also a gain in bonuses for the people on the project as well. Thorm invited everyone to lunch. He did inform the group that the second person joining the project was not there but would be there at lunch. The group left the room and they went to a nice restaurant. This is where Yada showed up.

The first thing she did was take water and pour it on Niran. She apologized to the people there. Niran apologized and then left for the rest of the day. Hiran quickly texted Niran and asked him the story. He responded that he and the female had a one night stand with each other but it seemed like things were different from her point. She did not ask for more information.

Thorm started to yell at Yada. She explained that he offended her in the past and he broke contact with him. Thorm asked for the full story. Yada sat down and took a drink. She sighed and then started.

"About nine months ago, we met each other at a bar. We became fast friends. When I asked for his information, he said that if they met for two months, then he would give her his line." She paused but Thorm had a bad feeling.

"We met off and on for two months. I thought we were friends. One night about 7 months ago, we both got completely drunk. We ended up at a hotel together and we got a room. We both agreed to have a one night stand but still be friends. Only after that night, he never contacted me again. I got mad when I saw him just now because of the no contact not because of the one night stand."

Hiran picked up her water and tossed it on Yada. "You idiot! He lost his grandparents seven months ago. It took him two months before he contacted anyone. He took a leave from work and disappeared for those two months. He lost the only family that ever loved him. He reached out to you, but you blocked him. He needed a friend and you were not there. If you thought of anyone but yourself, then you would have understood. Boss, I am sorry but I am going to look after Niran. He might need me."

She left and then there was talk in the room. The project would continue as is but Yada would be replaced with someone different. Thorm made sure to apologize to Niran the next time that he saw him.

Hiran rushed to Nirans apartment. Only to hear screaming and things breaking. There were no other voices, but she took a breath in and pushed the doorbell. The screaming stopped and she heard Niran coming to the door. He opened the door to see Hiran there. She pushed her way in and that is when Niran fell to the floor crying. Hiran looked at the living room and found things were broken or torn. She took him in her arms and just let him cry. Hiran then called her bosses to tell them that Niran is taking off the rest of the week.

She did not go into detail of what happened but that Niran was not in his right state. They granted his leave. Hiran ordered food and helped Niran to the bathroom so he could shower. When he came out 45 minutes later, the living room was picked up and the TV was gone. The couch would need to be replaced as well.

"I called my brothers, they will be over later to get the couch. You are on leave from work for the rest of the week. We will go shopping tomorrow for items that need to be replaced. I know that seeing her and her accusing you brought back painful memories for you. I just want you to know that you are not alone. Sanan and I are here for you."

She hugged him and then they both ate dinner. She got him into bed and then left for the night.

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