Going to Phuket

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Once they were able to move, they held each other. "If you ever rut into me again, we are going to have an issue. If you do want to, then we will need protection." Niran stated.

"Did you enjoy it?" Thorm asked. Niran sighed happily and nodded. "I have only been with one other person before you. I was nervous."

"I have been with two before you. I truly enjoyed it. This was my first time being bottom. I really enjoyed it. Thank you" Niran said and gave a hug. This led to rounds 2,3,4, and 5. They both fell asleep by three am. They both did not wake up until eleven. They took a fast shower and then got ready to leave. They checked out and then Niran asked if they could go have lunch.

Thorm said he had to go and that he was late for work as it was. He will see him tonight. Niran shook his head and reminded him that he was going to his aunt's place today. Thorm tried to get Niran to stay but Niran refused. Thorm was upset and told Niran that they just came together and they still should have a day together. Niran told him that he had this planned visit before his parents but now it was important.

Niran turned around and walked away. Thorm chased him. Niran yelled for him to just go to work. They would see each other when he got back. Niran called a taxi.

Once niran got home, he quickly packed and left a note. "I am going to Phuket. Don't come to me. I will see you next Monday. Do not move myself yet. I want to take care of that when I get back. Please understand. Niran."

Niran left and loaded his car up. He got to the airport and checked in. He messaged his aunt that he was still coming and that he would be there around 4. She replied that she would pick him up. He got on the plane and then relaxed for the flight.

Once arriving, he got his suitcase and met up with his aunt, Waen. She was an omega like him and her family disowned her for falling in love with a woman. They gave each other a hug and then got in the car. They arrived at the hotel that Waen owned. She gave him the best room that they had, it overlooked the ocean.

She called him to dinner about an hour later. Waen's partner, Damni, finished putting food on the table. There were a few guests as well but they all had a fun time eating, drinking, and talking amongst each other. The following day Waen and Niran went to the beach to talk.

They talked about everything; Niran's parents death, the house he now owned in Phuket, Niran's partner, and even getting fired. Niran let everything out. Everything he was feeling and finally let the tears that he has been holding fall. Waen took him in her arms and just held him.

Niran was always close to this aunt because she understood being different but also being part of the LGBTQ community. Waen asked about Thorm and where he was. Niran confided in her that he was back in Bangkok. Niran told Waen that he honestly wished that he would stay there, because they kept fighting and he was sick of it all. She told him that it was normal for couples to have disagreements.

They stayed at the beach all day long. They did walk around in the water, but mostly it was to just talk about everything. Niran felt like the world was lifted off his shoulders to finally talk to someone. It was around 8 when they returned to the hotel. Niran went to bed without dinner. The following day, he told his aunt that he was going to his house and would stay there for the rest of his vacation. He would see them on the weekend.

He called a taxi, and went to his old parents' place. Once he got in, he started to clean the place from top to bottom. He ordered a food delivery and then cooked a simple dinner. He had never been to this place and it was not far from the beach as well. It was about two miles from his aunt's place. He went to bed with a smile on his face. He felt at peace. He finally had a place that he could call his own.

The following day, he went to the beach and took a few photos and sent them to Thorm. Thorm responded with a smiley face. Thorm then sent, "I am coming to you on friday. We need to talk. I don't like how you just up and left like that. We also need to talk about your job as well. Why did you not tell me that you got fired?"

Niran responded, "I will see you on friday. I didn't tell you because it is not your concern. I was framed and I am going to handle it once I get back. Is there anything that you want to do while you are here?"

"I have never been there before, so you can play host." Thorm said.

"This I can do. I will show you the beach first. It is really relaxing. My aunt's place is right by the beach. Can I be honest with you though?" Niran typed to Thorm.

"I would like it if you were always honest with me." Thorm responded.

"I kinda don't want you to come to Phuket. I really want some time to myself. I know because of the mark, we can't be away from each other for a long time. For that reason alone, I am fine with you coming."

"I will only stay until Sunday night. I can come visit you on weekends. No matter what your choice is, I will respect whatever you choose. Just remember, I love you and I will always be there for you." Thorm said, but in person he was pissed. How could Niran not want to be with him? Niran was his life. He would do anything for Niran even that met giving him space.

While in Phuket, Niran started to cry. He was so conflicted. He wanted Thorm to be there with him but he needed space. Suddenly there was a video call coming through. It was Thorm, and Niran picked it up.

"Baby, why are you crying? This breaks my heart. I don't like seeing you cry." Thorm said. Niran was now full blown crying. "I miss you. I miss you so fucking much. I want you here but I want time to myself. I still have to go through my parents' stuff here."

"Babe, wait until I get there to go through everything. We can do it Friday, and then relax Saturday and Sunday. I don't want you to go through that alone. Did you call your brothers and see if they would come and help you?" Niran shook his head.

"They have their own families, and plus I can bring back things for them. I think most of the stuff will be for them." Niran frowned.

"Babe I changed my flight, I will be there tomorrow night. Arriving at 9pm. Get some sleep and will see you tomorrow. If you need space, I can go somewhere for the day. I won't interfere with anything. 

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