He is pregnant?

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Waen returned with three large coffees. Thorm just sat there still holding Niran's hand. It was three hours later, when the door was ripped open. In walked three tall, muscular, and similar to Niran facial features but only more masculine men.

"What happened to our brother?" All three shouted. Niran turned his head, but did not wake up.

Waen walked up the brothers and smacked each one on the back of their head. "Will you please shut up? You are going to pull Niran back before he is ready to come back. That will cause more damage than good. Let me introduce you to people. This is my wife, Damni and this man is Niran's partner, Thorm." The doctor came in and told them to shut up because it was early in the morning and people were sleeping. The brothers asked for more chairs to be brought in. Thorm said he was going to get more coffee, and he quickly left.

Thorm walked to a coffee shop that was still open and ordered seven coffees to go. As he waited for the coffees, he called his parents. "Niran is in the hospital. The docs think he is in a small coma. I will be here until he wakes up. Dad, can you please watch over the company until I bring Niran back home or I come back."

"We are coming to you son. I will call the pilot to come back and pick us up. Your grandparents can watch the company. We need to be with our child in his time of need. We will get a hotel room near the hospital. How many rooms do we need to book?" His mother asked.

"Four please. I will be staying here a lot of the time, but to shower I will go back to the room. His brothers need a suite because there are three of them. Might as well get one for the therapist as well. That brings the total to four. His Aunt lives only 10 minutes away. Why not book their hotel or do you want somewhere closer?"

"Your dad is on the phone with the pilot now. I will be booking rooms at her hotel and ones near the hospital. We will still have conference calls etc, but those can be handled quickly. Most paperwork can be done via email or fax. We got this covered. Now just take care of our son-in-law. We will be there this afternoon. Do you need us to bring anything?" His mum asked.

"Can you bring me more clothing? I don't know how long he will be in the hospital for. Coffee is ready. I need to head back to the hospital. I will see you soon. I love you both." Thorm hung up and got the coffee. The barista held the door open for him and then quickly went back to the hospital. At this point, Niran has been unconscious for about 8 hours. It was a long night and was going to be a longer day.

When he got back to the hospital, there were more people in the room than necessary: three brothers, two aunts, one doc, two nurses, a stranger and now Thorm. Thorm handed the coffee out to people and then asked for just Waen, his eldest brother, the doc, two nurses to stay while everyone else left the room. The two other brothers were mad and refused to leave. Thorm sighed with defeat. The stranger was introduced as Niran's therapist, Mark. Mark was looking over the paperwork and the doctor was right beside him and they were talking in hushed tones.

The two doctors asked everyone to leave but Thorm.

"Right now, Niran is in a deep sleep. I would not say coma but just sleeping. His mind is taking a break because of all the stress. There is another reason to air on the cautious side. He is pregnant. From the HCG levels, it is early stage. Like really really early. We had to do a double test to make sure. We will test him again in a week, if he is still asleep. As of right now, we are going to put a vitamin mix in another IV along with anxiety and depression medication that is safe for pregnant people. He will have to be monitored closely because it is extremely rare for a male to become pregnant. I think that there have only been 10 other cases in the world that have had a male birth father." The therapist and doctor said while taking turns talking.

"Niran's grandparents were both male. It does not surprise me that he is able to give birth as well. I was not expecting this. We haven't been together during our heat or rut cycle." Thorm sighed and sat down.

He was overwhelmed. He took Niran's hand and just looked at his now pregnant lover. Did Niran even want children? He slowly became excited about the child, but his first priority was Niran. The child would be second at the current moment.

The nurse came back with the bag of fluids and inserted another IV line into Niran's hand. Thorm leaned back in the chair and sighed. After the nurse left, the family came back in. Thorm looked defeated and exhausted, both mentally and physically.

"What did the doctor say?" Everyone asked at once.

"Can I wait until my parents come to tell you guys what the doctor told me. I would rather just say everything once, rather than repeating everything over and over again. I can tell you, he is okay and just asleep." Thorm said with a smile.

The family sat down in their chairs and waited for Thorm's parents to arrive. Thorm was grateful that they did not pressure him into talking. 

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