Meeting the Families

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Niran and Thorm held hands while they went to the apartment. Once they got into the apartment, Thorm pulled Niran to him and started to kiss him with all the passion that he had inside. Niran pushed back a little.

"Wait. I should tell you that I am bi. I don't mind if my partner is male or female. Do you mind?" Niran said softly.

"I don't care about your past. I just want your future. Can we try? Please, I want to be with you and if at any point from now onward, if you don't want to be with me, I will accept it. I will leave you alone. I promise." Thorm said with feeling so deep that he started to tear up. A single tear escaped and rolled down his cheek.

Niran lifted his hand and gently wiped the tear off his face. "I will give us a chance."

Thorm gather Niran in his arms and lifted him up. It took him a few minutes but he found Niran's room. Thorm gently put Niran on the bed and went over to him. He raised himself above Niran and gently kissed him. While he kissed Niran, Thorm unbuttoned Niran's shirt and started to kiss Niran's throat.

Niran moaned softly and put his hand and waved his fingers through Thorm's hair. He gently pulled on the hair which caused Thorm to moan loudly. Thorm moved down to Niran's nipples and bit them. "Harder! Please bit harder." Niran moaned. Being the gentleman that Throm is, he complied to Niran's demands. He bit harder, and Niran moaned with pleasure.

Thorm moved back up and kissed Niran on the neck. Thorm bit him hard on the neck and drew blood.

"Did you just mark me? Can I mark you?" Niran asked. Thorm nodded. Niran moved to sit on Thorm's lap. They kissed again and Niran moved to Thorm's neck and then bit him. Niran moved back to kissing Thorm.

Niran pulled back. "I know that we have marked each other, but can we just cuddle while we sleep? I am not ready for the next step just yet." Thorm nodded and pulled Niran beside him and just whispered, "Lets go to sleep."

They both fell asleep in each other's arms. In the morning, Thorm woke up first and called his assistant to bring him and Niran fresh clothes. Even though they were at Niran's house, He wanted Niran to look his best for meeting his family. Thirty minutes later, his assistant showed up and gave the new clothes to Thorm. Thorm got a nice out black outfit that hugged his body (Think the black suit from Unforgotten Night Kamol). Niran's outfit was a deep green suit with a teal tie (Think the boss from A Boss and A babe boss).

Thorm hung the clothes up and then woke up Niran. Thorm gave Niran a kiss to wake him up. "Darling, you need to wake up. It is almost eleven. Let us get some lunch."

"Thorm, I want to rest. I haven't slept this well in a long time." Niran whined a little. Thorm got into bed and took Niran into his arms. "Darling. We need to get ready. How about we take a bath together and just relax for a little bit." Niran gave a small nod and wrapped his arms around Thorm's waist.

Thorm carried Niran to the bath, where they took a small bath and relaxed. After they got out, Thorm handed Niran his new suit and told him to get dressed. He had dinner with his family tonight at the same restaurant that he took Niran on their first date.

They got ready and then left early. They went shopping for first meeting gifts. They had a fun time laughing and having a great time shopping together. By 4pm, they went to the restaurant. They were the last to arrive. When they walked in, everyone was there. Thorm's mother, father, grandparents (both sets) and his sisters.

"Hello mother and father, I want you to meet my mate. This is Niran. He is the Male Omega that I love and want to be with. I know you have issues with us being male partners but we are together now." Thorm said while taking Niran's hand.

"Son, I know that we have said things about you both being male. After talking amongst the whole family, we decided that we want you to be happy. It might take us a while to fully accept it, but we will approve of your mate. I am proud of you for standing by your choice. This has shown us what kind of a man and CEO are and are going to be." His father stood up and hugged his son. His mother got up and hugged Niran.

"Come sit down. Thorm told us what you liked to us last night we talked." his mother said sweetly. His mother took Niran and sat him beside her. Thorm sat next to him. His mother and Niran talked a lot about what it is like growing up in an alpha household.

Thorm put his hand on Niran's knee and gently squeezed it. Niran glanced at Thorm and smiled as he put his hand on his. They intertwined their hands and just talked to everyone. His family welcomed into the family. Thorm honestly wondered what their reason was for this sudden change in character.

Gifts were then given out. Niran handed each person their gifts. The grandparents each received teas and vitamins. The parents received tea and some nice wine. The siblings got skin care that Niran picked himself and products that he used.

His parents gave him a bank card with a lot of money on it, which Niran declined. His grandparents gave him some jewelry but he would have to go to the store to hand pick it with Thorm. They did not have a time limit on this gift. His sisters did not know what to give Niran so they picked a shopping day with Thorm and Niran. They said to have a triple date day with the three couples. Niran thanked everyone, but he did not see Thorm's parents give the card to Thorm to give to Niran later.

They then departed from the family. Everyone had a great feeling about the couple.

Aquarium love (BL+ Omega-verse)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum