Person who trying to frame Thorm

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Monday morning came too early. After Thorm spoke to Niran his promise last night, he was up for the day. He only got about two hours of sleep. He got up around five, washed, dressed, made breakfast, and then woke Niran to come and eat. They were going to the office early to start getting information together.

Niran woke up by Thorm gently shaking him and giving him kisses on the cheek. Niran pushed him away but got up from the bed. Niran took a shower while Thorm went back to the kitchen and dining room. A while later, Niran joined Thorm and they ate breakfast in silence. They got into the car about 20 minutes later and headed to the office.

They were greeted by the front desk and had Niran get a full access card to get in and out of the office without having to check back in or out. This was only given to family members. Thorm's assistant came to the desk as well with more coffee for them both. The three went to the CEO's office. The assistant brought over a laptop for Niran. He used the cloud to access information that was sent to Thorm last night.

Niran went over all the data that day. A lot of figures that included money transactions. Niran asked the assistant for the information that was given to the company. The assistant sent that to Niran via cloud and Niran started to analyze the information and compare the two. While Niran was doing his task in helping Thorm, Thorm was in and out of meetings. The board of directors took all of the morning and into the afternoon.

There was a lot of yelling coming from three different people. They broke for lunch, which the assistant ordered for the three of them. Thorm just ate a little but passed the rest onto Niran. Before going back into the meeting, Thorm called the hackers again and asked them to hack into the other company computers and to look at Hiran's information on the computer.

Thorm went back into the meeting with the boards and there was even more fighting after a few minutes of being inside. Mid afternoon, thorm left the room and went into another meeting and this one went better. Thorm came back into the office around four to find Niran napping and he went to his desk. He texted his assistant to get him a blanket and more coffee.

Thorm was working on his computer and getting more information about different bank accounts and information from foreign companies. He called a few CEOs from those companies to make sure that they were keeping their contracts with them. Everyone agreed to pause the contracts but not cancel them. This gave Thorm a good head start on bringing the person out in the open. The assistant brought a blanket and even dinner for them and then left for the day.

Niran woke up and ate. Thorm sat at his desk working on getting a press release together. The fake press release. Four of the ten Ceos were aware of this fake press release because they all agreed to keep everything on pause. Thorm called three more companies and spoke to their team. Like the previous four companies, these three agreed to keep the contracts on pause. Thorm sent the press release to the PR team and waited. Within an hour the press release was on the top search bar.

Then as expected, news came out about Thorm being gay and photos of his lover. The hackers were able to get the information from the person. Thorm picked up Niran and moved him to his room that he had there so he could sleep. They cuddled up together and went to bed.

The following morning Thorm got up and looked over the information, He got more than he asked for from the hackers. Hiran sent emails to "manager" in details about Niran's past and about his "Rape". The manager then sent the person following them this information. Two hours later this information was released with the head line being "CEO partner's dark past! The truth about N!" The paper did not mention him by name but there were photos of him.

Thorm called the lawyers and PR team. The hackers, lawyers, and PR team worked all day to clear up Niran's name. Thorm was busy getting prepared for a press conference. Niran worked on the accounts and finally found the differences. He went to the assistant who put it in a document for the board members.

Thorm and Niran left work early and went home. They arrived home and just relaxed for the night. Well Niran relaxed. Thorm was busy getting things finished for the press release. Niran got Thorm for dinner but he refused.

"NO! YOU ARE GOING TO LISTEN TO ME ON THIS!!! YOU ARE COMING TO DINNER AND THAT IS FINAL!!! NOW GET UP FROM THAT DESK AND COME EAT! NOW!!!" Niran was mad that Thorm was not taking care of himself but made sure that he was taken care of. Thorm glared at Niran and got up from the desk.

Thorm didn't say anything, but went to the table and ate in silence. Niran made sure that Thorm finished everything in front of him.

"Now go take a shower. I will join you in a little bit." Niran got up from the table and gathered the dishes. He washed everything and put them to dry. When he turned around he found Thorm still there.

"You are mad." Thorm said while leaning on the wall.

"Yes, I am. You are busy taking care of everyone else but yourself. You need to take care of your body as well. I am sorry I yelled at you." Niran said in a whisper.

"You are just showing that you care. Let's take a shower." Thorm said and then walked into their bedroom. He undressed and turned on the water. "Niran, we need to find time to move your things over. Want me to call a moving company tomorrow?"

"I will call them. You are busy. When is the press conference?" Niran said right behind Thorm. This made Thorm jump and turn around, which caused Niran to giggle.

"Friday. Tomorrow, I will address the board members, fire three people, and cancel three contracts tomorrow. Thursday, I will need to get things back up and running for the other seven contracts that we have on hold. Friday is the press release for both you and I in the afternoon. I am only showing up to the company in the afternoon for the conference. I am giving my assistant a week's vacation because he has been working nonstop for three days straight." Thorm said while wrapping Niran in his arms.

Niran lifted his head and gave Thorm a kiss. The kiss deepened and before either of them could think, they were making love on the bathroom counter.

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