Leaving Niran in Phuket

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Thorm left the hospital the following day with Niran. He took Niran to his Aunt's place. After Thorm made sure that Niran was settled in, Thorm told Niran that he was leaving for Bangkok that day.

"Why are you leaving so soon? I truly don't want to be apart from you." Niran said on the bed with a pout.

Thorm took Niran in his arms after he sat on the bed. "Babe, I am respecting your wishes. You said you wanted some time to yourself, and I want to give you as much time as you need. I know that you and your family have things to talk about, and also the things you need to work on as well. I don't want to hold you back. If you need me at any point, all you have to do is call me and I'll be there." Niran relaxed into thorm's arms and nodded.

Thorm moved his hand and tilted Niran's head back so he could kiss him. Their lips slowly melted into each other. After a knock on the door, they broke the kiss. "Come in." Thorm said while standing up from the bed. Waen entered and broke soup for Niran. She stood by his side while he ate.

"Babe, the jet is going to be leaving soon. I will have to bother you to bring back the clothes I left at your place back to Bangkok when you return." Thorm said and then kissed the top of his head.

"Will you message me when you land?" Niran asked. Thorm nodded and then kissed him again. "Get some rest when you get done eating. I will call you tonight." Thorm turned and left without seeing the response. Thorm called a taxi and then went to a private area to board the family jet. His parents were already waiting inside.

"Son?" His mother asked white looking at him. "How are you holding up? Are you doing okay?"

"Mum, I don't want to talk about this right now. Let's get home and rest. I will have work to do tomorrow. I need to go over notes that Grandpa sent to be ready for meetings tomorrow. This is going to be a long long week." Thorm said while leaning his head back on the top of the seat.

"Son, your father and I will be with you every step of the way. We will support you in whatever you decide. Just remember that not all people can be trusted. Who can you trust?" His mother asked.

"That is for me to know and for you to find out. I just need to rest, I need to do better than...." Thorm stopped talking.

"Than your mother and I. Son, I am sorry if we were never there for you and your sister. We were busy making sure that you would not have to worry about the company when you take over." His father said

"I'm not looking for an apology. I just want to be clear, from here on out, I will be doing things my own way. I will see to my partner's happiness and that of mine. I will run the company how I see fit. Please don't interfere with anything. I may come to you for advice, but that is it. I am going to have my sister come in and be my vp. She deserves this." Thorm stated.

No one said anything as the plane took off and flew to Bangkok. Once they arrived, Thorm messaged Niran and told him that he landed safely. He went to the office and started to work. Niran messaged him throughout the night and he responded as fast as he could. Thorm ended up sleeping at the office because he was working til two in the morning.

His assistant came and got him at eight for their first meeting. Thorm messaged Niran good morning and to ask how things were going.niran did not reply until around noon. He informed Thorm that his family and he were finally getting things out in the open. Thorm told Niran that it was good that things were finally coming out and being talked about. Niran was at least happy that he could talk to his brothers without any reservations.

Thorm responded that everything will work out and that he is always there for Niran. He sat his phone down on the desk and went to back to back meetings. The final meeting was with the shareholders of the company. This was to inform the of Thorm's sister joining as the VP. The meeting went smoothly.

The rest of the week consisted mostly of meetings and smoothing the transition of VP to his sister, talking to Niran, missing Niran, and just surviving. That week was really stressful for Thorm despite things going smoothly. He needed to relax. He messaged Niran to see if he should visit for the weekend. Niran was silent. Friday night rolled around and Thorm went to a bar. He sat at the bar and just drank a few drinks. He had a few people come to him and see if he was free. He didn't know that someone had followed him and was secretly taking photos of him with the men flirting with him.

Thorm got fed up with people and left the bar. On his way out someone tripped into his arms and Thorm helped him get on his feet. The photos were taken as well. He helped the young man to a taxi and watched him leave. He got into his car and had his assistant drive him home. 

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