Time with friends and getting drunk

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It was a month and a half of meeting Thorm. Niran smiled with the thought of seeing him again. His birthday was the following Saturday and he finally had the nerve to invite Thorm to dinner. His work week was simple that week. Sanan invited him to dinner and drinks that Friday night. Hiran, his coworker and teammate on one project, also invited him to dinner Friday night as well.

Niran told them both to meet him at the restaurant and that they would have a fun time. Niran sent the text "I am going to go home and change. Let's meet up at 8 tonight for dinner and drinks." He left work early and went home. He took a nice relaxing bath and then took a small nap. His alarm went off at seven. He got up and then got ready. The look that went best with his slim figure was a look from "Unforgotten Night." He wore khaki pants, an off white loose top and a pale blue jacket, paired with ivory shoes. He gathered his wallet and phone and then left his apartment.

He met up with his two friends and they had a fun time. They handed their gifts to Niran and he sat them aside. They did not drink heavily until after they left the restaurant. Sanan suggested that they go to a club to have fun. Sanan and Hiran took one car and Niran took his car. They followed each other to the club.

Niran only took his phone with him and did not bring anything else with him. Sanan and Hiran took their time leaving the car. He went in first and made his way to the bar. He ordered a Mekhong Whiskey on the rocks. He sat there just listening to the club getting louder and louder.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked to the person. It was a stranger.

"Hey cutie. What are you doing here all alone? Want to drink with me?" The strange person said.

Niran looked at the person with disdain on his face. Niran lifted the hand off his shoulder and then looked at the person again. "No thank you. I am meeting people tonight. You really should not hit on someone that you do not know." Niran then turned back to his drink.

"Hey wait one second! I just wanted to get to know you. Please have a drink with me?" The strange person said while tapping his shoulder.

"Please leave me alone." Niran stated without looking at the person. He took a drink of his whiskey when he felt a third person joining them.

"Sorry about my friend here. He just broke up with his boyfriend." The third person said. Niran turned to the voice and a look of shock came on his face. It was Thorm. Thorm smiled and told his friend to leave and that he needed to talk to Niran. Thorm's friend frowned but left them alone.

"I am shocked to be running into here of all places. You did not seem the sort to go to bars or clubs. Niran, are you okay? I am sorry again for my friend. He is going through a hard time." Thorm stated while taking a seat next to Niran. The bartender came over and thorm ordered two whiskeys on the rocks. The bartender got the drinks and brought them over.

Thorm handed one to Niran. "It is okay. Your friend is an Alpha right? He can get anyone he wants. What are you? Wait let me guess. With your height and build, I am guessing an alpha as well? I am sorry I did not ask before." Niran finished the rest of his one drink and started on the second.

"Well you are correct but there is one thing different about me. I am a dominant alpha. There are only 10 of us in the world. We are rare, but then again, I think you are rare as well. You are an omega." Thorm finished his drink and then looked at Niran.

"You are correct. I am an omega. Male omegas are rare but I think there are less male omegas than dominant alphas. I think the last time I heard, it was only 6 of us in the world. We have to get our pills made that work with our bodies and not generic ones like the females can take." Niran said with a frown.

"Must be hard for you. Here let us drink another drink and then I am going back to my friends." Thorm ordered another round and then they toasted each other and then finished the drinks in one shot. At this time, Sanan and Hiran came over but stood away from the two men. Thorm patted Niran's shoulder and then left after making sure the drinks were on his tab.

Sanan and Hiran took a seat when Thorm finally left. They took Niran into their arms and they both shouted happy birthday. Thorm overheard this and told his waiter to make sure that they had whatever they wanted to drink on him. He also sent over a bottle of whiskey as well.

Niran was shocked at the bottle but he drank about half of it before he left. Sanan had to call him a driver for himself, but Hiran took Niran home. Niran was so drunk that he kept calling for thorm on the way back to his apartment. He confessed to Hiran that he was starting to like Thorm. Hiran honestly did not know who he was talking about and told him so.

He told her that it was the guy from the bar. Now things started to make sense. Their bill was taken care of, the random guy smiled at Niran like he was in love with him, and she could tell that Niran was feeling the same. Hiran parked the car when they arrived at the apartment. She got the gifts and bottle of whiskey out of the car and then helped Niran to his apartment. She led him to his room and that is where he passed out. 

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